20 Amazing Facts About Chocolate

20 amazing facts about chocolate

Chocolate has an irresistible taste and is well suited for desserts or to enjoy on its own. Chocolate may feel like a sinful pleasure, and many feel guilty after consuming chocolate, but this is pointless. When you eat dark chocolate a few times a week, you give your body plenty of antioxidants and other beneficial ingredients. Keep reading the article and throw the guilt in the trash – dark chocolate is healthy!

Dark chocolate has been buzzing for years, but many still doubt how a chocolate-like delicacy can be healthy. However, studies have shown that dark chocolate is rich in useful antioxidants that are suitable for every diet. Studies have found that dark chocolate is full of flavonoids, the strongest of the antioxidants that protect the body from many different diseases.

There are many facts you may not yet know about chocolate. After reading these 20 facts, you’ll probably head to the chocolate department on your next shopping trip. However, remember to avoid milk chocolate and other sugary chocolate treats, only dark chocolate is healthy!

20 facts about chocolate


dark chocolate on chocolate bars
  • Chocolate contains very little caffeine compared to foods such as coffee and tea.
  • By enjoying chocolate, you can treat numbness and pain, as chocolate is a natural painkiller.
  • Even a single piece of dark chocolate can give your body enough energy for a 150-meter run.
  • The nutrients contained in chocolate help the growth of good quality and beneficial bacteria in the body.
  • The flavonoids in chocolate protect the skin and prevent sunburn.
  • The delicious aroma of chocolate increases the brain waves that relax the body. Eating chocolate stimulates the secretion of endorphins. Endorphins produce feelings of pleasure and well-being, and the amount of serotonin in the bloodstream increases.
  • By ingesting chocolate, you can improve memory function and enhance concentration. This effect is based on chocolate flavonoids, which increase blood circulation in the brain for up to two or three hours after ingestion.
  • Chocolate can prevent cavities because the ingredients in cocoa beans are antibacterial and cleanse teeth of bacteria.
  • Chocolate reduces fatigue and improves physical performance.
  • The antioxidants in chocolate can increase life expectancy in people who consume it regularly.
  • According to a study published in the journal Physiology and Behavior , a piece of dark chocolate can help a person see better in dim conditions.
  • Chocolate is good for the heart because its antioxidants take care of heart health and function. Consuming chocolate dilates blood vessels and speeds up blood circulation. In addition to this, it prevents plaque from accumulating in the walls of the blood vessels – this keeps the blood vessels healthy and flexible and reduces the risk of developing arteriosclerosis.
  • It may sound unbelievable that chocolate can help you lose weight, but it is absolutely true. By enjoying dark chocolate, you keep your craving at bay and keep your face full and satisfied.
  • Pregnant women can enjoy dark chocolate without worries, as chocolate prevents stress and improves mood.
  • Chocolate is often added to beauty products as it moisturizes the skin and prevents the formation of wrinkles.
  • It is believed that dark chocolate can help prevent and treat coughs.
  • The antioxidants in chocolate keep the skin youthful and glowing as they slow down the side effects of free radicals in the cells.
  • The powerful flavonoids in chocolate make sure that free radicals don’t get their work done. Free radicals end up in the body e.g. through the environment, cosmetics and nutrition, and can cause premature aging and disease. Consuming chocolate curbs their effects.
  • Recent studies show that women who consume 500 grams of dark chocolate a week reduce their risk of stroke by up to 20%.
  • Cocoa contains oleic acid, which raises the amount of good cholesterol in the bloodstream.

This is how you enjoy chocolate healthily


dark chocolate
  • Dark chocolate is a healthy chocolate. Milk chocolate and white chocolate are high in sugar and should not be consumed very often. Dark chocolate can be eaten with ease a few pieces even every day, as it contains little sugar and more beneficial health effects.
  • While dark chocolate is healthy, it’s not worth eating at a record store every day. Limit your intake of chocolate to 60 grams per day – this will give you all the benefits of chocolate, but you will not increase your daily calorie intake too much. Many, when switching to dark chocolate, find that it should not be eaten as much as other sweeter grades of chocolate. A few pieces of bitter, strong chocolate will satisfy the craving for sweets.
  • People with diabetes and overweight should talk to their doctor about eating dark chocolate before adding it to their diet.
  • When you buy chocolate, make sure you choose a chocolate grade that contains at least 65% cocoa beans. Lighter grades of chocolate are not as healthy and are high in sugar.

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