5 Ways To Prevent Hair Loss

If you are deficient in iron or zinc, your hair will look brittle and bad. Fish oil and brewer’s yeast, among others, can provide us with the vitamins and minerals we need.
5 Ways to Prevent Hair Loss

Hair loss and hair health in general are things that worry us all. Many people start to observe their hair because the hair starts to thin a little at a time. But can we handle this problem? Follow the instructions in this article to prevent hair loss.

Genes have a lot to do with baldness with, but hair loss due to other reasons, we can try to prevent.

Follow these instructions to prevent hair loss

1. Appropriate nutrition

A proper diet that is not deficient in minerals will certainly help keep our hair healthy. For example, if you are deficient in iron, your hair will look brittle and weak and therefore fall out more often. The same thing happens if you have a zinc deficiency.

If we lack another essential nutrient, biotin, we can suffer from hair loss, weak nails and skin problems.

And where can we find biotin as a very effective dietary supplement?

  • The liver is an absolutely good option for the health of your hair : it is not high in fat, but it has a high dose of biotin, minerals and vitamins that are necessary for the health of your hair.
  • Eggs
  • Fish oil
  • Beer yeast
  • Nuts
  • Strawberries
  • Wild rice
  • Tomatoes
  • Bananas
  • Peas
Prevent hair loss with these tips

Another substance that should not be neglected is cysteine. It is an essential amino acid for hair growth. It makes the hair grow and strengthen them. Prevent hair loss by making sure you eat enough of the following foods:

  • Eggs
  • Turkey
  • Chicken
  • Broccoli

2. Apple cider vinegar

prevent hair loss with apple cider vinegar

This is a very simple and effective treatment. Apple cider vinegar promotes blood circulation and stimulates and oxidizes our scalp. Thus, it is excellent for use in scalp massage. Mix only half a cup of apple cider vinegar and half a cup of water.

Add to damp hair, rub for five minutes and then rinse with warm water. Please note that apple cider vinegar should only be used occasionally, for example twice a week.

3. Hives

Prevent hair loss with this ancient medicinal plant. Nettle is a medicinal, healing plant that has been used in many different ways since ancient times. It acts as a stimulant for the hair and strengthens it. Many shampoos and creams are made from nettles. So how can we take advantage of it? As an infusion.

Add five nettle leaves to boiling water. Let the nettles remain in the container until the water cools slightly. When the water is warm and no longer hot, add it to damp hair for 20 minutes. The treatment can be done twice a week. The results are remarkable.

4. Aloe Vera treatment

prevent hair loss with aloe vera

Are you surprised? Certainly not. New benefits of this wonderful plant are found almost every day.  Aloe vera can be applied to the scalp, it heals and promotes hair growth by nourishing them. To take advantage of this treatment, get a little aloe vera jelly from, for example, a health food store or a plant you have grown yourself.

Mix it with a cup of hot water. When the mixture cools, add it to damp hair, rubbing lightly. Let it work for about 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and wash your hair with shampoo. Try twice a week.

5. Coconut milk and carrot treatment

prevent hair loss with coconut milk

Here are two ingredients that act as good nutrients for the hair. Both contain vitamin B, which is necessary for hair growth and health. Both ingredients are easy to find at the nearest Market.

You only need medium-sized carrots and coconut milk for this treatment.

Mix them well in a blender. Mix both ingredients well until they resemble an attractive orange smoothie. Then apply it as a cream to the scalp.

As with the other treatments mentioned above, this one is also added to wet hair. Add it a little at a time, massaging well and slowly. Leave on for 20 minutes. For exposure time you can keep away from the shower cap. Then rinse with warm water and wash your hair normally.

Really easy and useful. It is also recommended to do this treatment two days a week.

We hope you introduce the tips in this article soon, prevent hair loss with these tips!

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