6 Mistakes That Prevent Muscle Mass Growth

Poor diet can be the reason that muscles do not grow. Exercise is important, but nutrition is even more important.
6 Mistakes That Prevent Muscle Mass Growth

Raising muscle mass is a long and laborious process that requires a lot of both physical effort and food discipline. Some people succeed in it more easily than others because of their hereditary factors, but in any case, it always requires strict lifestyle changes.

Despite this, more and more people want more muscle, not only to look better, but also to gain more strength.

While people often succeed in their goal, many still make mistakes that affect getting results.

1. Doing long and repetitive aerobic exercises

Doing too much aerobic exercise makes it harder to gain muscle mass

All workout programs usually involve aerobic exercise. However, in terms of building muscle mass, they are not the most effective form of exercise.

  • Aerobic exercise does not activate muscle fibers. It does not help to shape the body like weight training.
  • In addition, if the workout is consistently the same, the body will begin to adapt to it and its benefits will diminish over time.
  • It would be ideal to plan a workout with short and demanding aerobic spurts and short rest periods.

2. Working one muscle group

Any kind of exercise is good for the body, this is clear. But if the goal is to build muscle mass, the best option is to do the exercises that promote it.

One very common mistake is to do movements on one muscle group instead of combining multiple movements. For better results, it is more profitable to do exercises that work two or more muscle groups at the same time.

Examples of these are:

  • Bench press
  • Rowing
  • Squats
  • Jaw pulls

3. Poor diet

Raising muscle mass requires the right kind of diet

Many people have a good exercise program, but they do not understand the importance of diet. It is no exaggeration to say that the results depend on 70% diet and 30% exercise.

This means that no matter how hard you train and lift weights, but the diet is not healthy, you will not get results.

  • If your goal is to build muscle mass, your diet should include protein, complex carbohydrates, and good fats.
  • Experts recommend consuming a protein supplement just after a workout. This enhances the synthesis of nutrients and helps to get better results.
  • It is better for overweight people to shed fat from the body before increasing muscle mass.
  • Visit a nutritionist  to learn how to eat according to your goals and needs.

4. Training is not consistent

While it is obvious that consistency in training is one of the most important things to get good results, some think they will succeed in their goal with little effort.

  • If the workout is sporadic, the muscle does not get enough stimuli to grow.
  • Exercise should not be excessive either, as time must be allowed for recovery in order to avoid injuries and get results .

5. Lifestyles do not support the goal

Poor lifestyles make it difficult to increase muscle mass

The body responds to all the stimuli it receives during the day. So it is not worth limiting the effort to the hall.

It is important to think about your own lifestyles in general and identify those habits that can make it difficult to achieve goals.

Some ways to avoid are:

  • Drinking sugary drinks instead of water
  • Less than 7 hours of night sleep
  • Alcohol use and smoking
  • Drinking too many energy drinks

6. Exercise that is not suitable for oneself

There are hundreds of home workouts on the Internet that can be just as useful as a gym workout. But they are not always the most recommended options as they are not tailored to the needs of each person.

If you train hard without getting results, it is very likely that the exercise program you choose is not right for you.

  • Ask for guidance from a good coach to learn how to train according to your own needs and lifestyle.

Do any of these errors seem familiar? If you do not get results, try changing your exercise program. Also, consider your eating habits and correct any issues that may affect the achievement of your goals.

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