7 Nutritional Tips For Esophageal Reflux Disease

To keep your esophageal reflux disease under control, you need to limit your intake of irritating products that increase acidity. In addition, you should eat small amounts of food several times a day as well as enjoy probiotics.
7 nutritional tips for treating esophageal reflux disease

Eating right is key to controlling reflux disease. While other means and habits are necessary, a healthy diet keeps digestion under control, and this is especially important for esophageal reflux disease (“GERD”).

The problem occurs when stomach acids rise towards the esophagus and mouth, due to a weakening in the esophageal sphincter. People with reflux describe it as a burn under the sternum, and sometimes it is associated with abdominal pain and heartburn.

Although the problem is usually mild, and rarely a sign of a serious illness, it does  require attention, otherwise the condition can become chronic. Therefore, it is important that you make some preventative changes to your diet and follow your doctor’s advice.

What causes the development of esophageal reflux disease?

symptoms of esophageal reflux disease: abdominal pain

The main cause of esophageal reflux disease is excessive production of stomach acids. These acids cause inflammation and weaken the muscles that surround the lower part of the esophagus (sphincter), allowing the acids to travel upwards.

Risk factors

  • Overweight or obesity (increase in intra-abdominal pressure)
  • Pregnancy
  • Problems with esophageal emptying
  • Horseshoe
  • Underdeveloped stomach-esophageal junction
  • Abdominal surgery
  • Disorders of connective tissue such as scleroderma
  • Smoking or drinking alcohol
  • Spicy or otherwise irritating foods
  • Drinking coffee or other stimulating drinks
  • Some medicines, such as aspirin

Symptoms of esophageal reflux disease

A severe burning in the chest, which usually occurs after eating, is the most common symptom. However, there are usually other symptoms that can last for hours:

  • chest pain
  • problems swallowing
  • regurgitation  after ingestion of acidic foods or fluids
  • feeling that there is a “piece” in the throat
  • chronic cough
  • sleep problems (if reflux disease occurs at night)

How is reflux disease treated with diet?

Changing eating habits can prevent and treat this disease, and it should be remembered that often the condition is due to an unhealthy diet with too many acidic and irritating foods.

So what should you eat and drink to control the disease?

1. Aloe Vera juice

aloe vera

The alkalizing effect of aloe vera can be a good help in relieving reflux disease naturally. It neutralizes the acids in the human digestive tract and  helps balance the pH level of the body.

Among other things, aloe vera has an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect, and it reduces irritation in the abdominal coverings, which is important when you want to prevent problems such as stomach ulcers or stomach upset. However, this product should be used sparingly as it also acts as a laxative.

2. Limit your intake of irritating foods and beverages


Stomach irritating products are a common cause of the development of esophageal reflux disease. So if you want to treat this problem and prevent it from happening again, reduce the number of these products as much as possible.

The most common foods that cause reflux disease are:

  • industrial meats
  • processed flour
  • confectionery and pastries
  • spicy foods
  • preserves
  • fried foods and chips
  • garlic and onion
  • citrus and tomato
  • coffee and other sources of caffeine
  • products containing whole milk
  • butter and vegetable fats

3. Eat five times a day

meal size

That well-known good habit of eating five times a day also contributes to relieving the symptoms of reflux disease. When you eat less at one time, your digestion becomes easier and less acid is produced.

4. Chew your food well

Eating slowly and chewing food carefully is an important part of treating reflux disease naturally. While many completely ignore this tip, swallowing food in large chunks makes digestion more difficult and increases stomach acidity.

5. Enjoy probiotics


Foods that contain probiotics contain “live” bacteria, and thus help keep the stomach pH level normal. Thus, when stomach acidity causes reflux disease, it is a good idea to increase the use of probiotics.

You can choose from the following products:

  • kefir
  • natural yogurt
  • sauerkraut
  • fermented pineapple
  • onion treated with lactic acid fermentation

6. Drink lemon water on an empty stomach

lemon water

Consuming a combination of warm water and lemon juice on an empty stomach is one of the oldest home treatments for reflux disease. In fact, this drink has been known for ages and ages as a very effective aid to digestion, and its alkalizing effect neutralizes acids and helps your body process food.

7. Do not eat just before going to bed

Christmas table setting

One way to cause reflux disease is to eat a large, supportive, or annoying meal just before bedtime. Although this is a common habit, it promotes the movement of stomach acids towards the mouth, and thus causes digestive problems.

Because your body is horizontal when you sleep, the acids get into the esophagus more easily. Therefore, it is best  not to eat for three hours before going to bed, and also enjoy only a light meal in the evening.

Do you often suffer from oxygen flares? In addition to these tips, don’t forget the importance of stress and smoking. If the discomfort does not go away despite the repairs,  see your doctor to find out if there is any other underlying problem.

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