8 Signs Of Kidney Problems

Fatigue, a change in the color of urine, and back pain can sometimes be a sign of kidney problems. In this article, we will look at kidney problems and symptoms.
8 signs of kidney problems

The kidneys are a vital part of whole body function. Sometimes, however, we forget to take good care of our kidneys by doing things we may not even know directly affect kidney health. For example, poor diet and too little hydration complicate kidney function. Your kidneys can have symptoms in many different ways, so if you suspect problems with your kidney function, read this article and we’ll tell you which eight signs speak of kidney problems.

Signs of kidney problems

Monitoring of body messages sometimes happens as if by itself, but sometimes signals and alarms are ignored and not given the attention they need. Listen to your body, and if you suffer from persistent strange symptoms, go to find out their origin. Kidney symptoms can be very clear in some cases, so if you find you are suffering from the following symptoms, talk to your doctor.

1. Changes in urine and urination

Changes in urination may indicate kidney problems.


One of the most obvious symptoms of kidney problems or diseases is changes in the urine: frequency of urination, color or composition of the urine.

  • If you have to wake up many times a night with a urge to urinate in your bladder, but the result is nothing more than a few funny drops in the bowl, it could be a sign of kidney dysfunction.
  • Changes in the color of urine. If the color of the urine has turned dark or cloudy, or if the urine is as dark as a cola drink, it may mean blood in the urine. Blood in the urine should always be mentioned to the doctor. If the urine contains foam or bubbles, it can also be a sign of kidney problems.

2. Fatigue

Sometimes fatigue strikes for no more obvious reasons. Walking and activities slow down, feeling relaxed and ineffective, even small efforts seem to tax all forces, the body is simply completely exhausted. Sometimes fatigue strikes as soon as you get to the table at work, and the mind is nothing more than fatigue, even if you slept well at night.

What causes the surprising energy shortage? The kidneys produce a hormone called erythropoietin, which helps the red blood cells to form and oxidize. If kidney function is impaired, erythropoietin production may change, leading to severe circulatory problems. When the blood does not oxidize normally, the muscles get tired and cannot withstand the load, and the number of red blood cells in the blood decreases, which can lead to a decrease in blood oxygen levels and anemia.

3. Swelling

Kidney problems can cause swelling in the ankles.

Do your ankles swell constantly? What about your feet? Do your credit shoes suddenly no longer go to your feet? All of this can be due to kidney problems. There are many reasons for swelling of the lower extremities, such as local obstruction of the bloodstream, so it is not advisable to immediately associate a small swelling with a kidney disorder.

Keep your eyes open for other symptoms: for example, hair loss and swelling of the face, fingers, and hands, along with swelling of the feet, are a sign that the kidneys are unable to remove excess fluid from the body for one reason or another. Violent accumulation of fluid in the body is a sign of something more serious and should always be discussed with your doctor.

4. Rash and burning

A sudden rash that rises rapidly for no apparent reason may be due to the accumulation of blood under the skin due to impaired kidney function. The rash area spreads and causes a burning, disgusting feeling.

5. Metallic taste in the mouth


The taste of metal in the mouth can be a sign of kidney problems.

If you find that your food tastes strange and has a marked metallic or bloody taste, it can be a sign of kidney disease and should not be ignored, especially if the ailment persists for a long time. A strange taste in the mouth can appear when eating, drinking, or otherwise just, and can negatively affect appetite.

6. Nausea and discomfort

Stomach ailments are diverse, and most of us suffer from some stomach ailment at least once in a lifetime. Nausea and discomfort can be caused by many things from a hasty ingestion of a bacterial meal or excessive sugar intake. If the ailment keeps recurring without any clear connection to what or how you eat, you should mention it to your doctor.

Nausea may be a sign of the accumulation of waste products in the blood due to kidney failure and urinary poisoning, which can cause nausea and vomiting.

7. Constantly cold

Constant cold may be due to anemia.


Anemia, or lack of red blood cells, can lead to weakness, weakness, and an inability to tolerate temperature fluctuations, especially colds. Persistent chills, the need to wear many layers of clothing, and cold hands and feet are common symptoms of anemia.

8. Pain on one side of the back or other leg

Muscle pain and vague pain sensations are common and are often not a sign of anything more severe. Often you have unknowingly knocked yourself out or damaged your muscles as a result of a sports performance or even carrying a bag.

If the pain persists for a long time at a certain point, it is advisable to go to the doctor’s packages. If you experience pain or pressure on one side of your back and the same side of your leg, it may be a sign of an inflamed kidney. Due to severe side and back pain, one should always go to the emergency room, as an inflamed kidney usually symptoms just on the side and back.

Kidney inflammation is usually caused by a bacterium or, for example, a worsening urinary tract infection in which the bacteria have been able to rise from the urinary tract to the kidneys.

Do not ignore persistent or severe symptoms, pain, or discomfort in your body. Symptoms are not always a sign of serious ailments, but the body’s messages should be listened to. Talk to your doctor if you suffer from any of the above symptoms.

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