8 Things Strawberries Do For Your Health

Strawberries are special: they are diuretic, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying. And thanks to their flavonoids, they help against oxidative stress and cognitive decline.
8 things strawberries do for your health

Strawberries are small bright red berries that have been widely used for centuries in all kinds of recipes. 

The strawberry plant , scientifically known as Fragaria pineapple, belongs to the  plant family Rosaceae . It was brought to Europe in the 18th century from America.

From a nutritional point of view, strawberries stand out from the crowd due to their high antioxidant content. Together with its vitamins and minerals, this makes them especially good for your body.

Because they are  low in calories, help control hunger and support metabolism, strawberries are recommended for healthy weight loss.

They also help regulate blood sugar levels  and prevent free radicals from causing harm.

All of this means that a strawberry is a berry that you don’t want to live without, especially if you want to live a healthy life. 

Below we want to tell you about the 8 main benefits of eating strawberries. After that, we believe you will start to enjoy them even more!

1. Strawberries prevent heart disease

Strawberries contain a type of antioxidant known as anthocyanin. It is absorbed into your body and helps to improve the health of your heart. 

This substance lowers inflammation while lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It helps reduce the risk of high blood pressure  by making the arteries more elastic and preventing blockages.

If you eat strawberries two or three times a week, you even reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke.

2. They are liquefying

Due to its high water content (about 92%),  strawberries are one of the most liquefied foods you can eat. They are awesome on hot days, not only because they are refreshing, but also because they resist the effects of fluid loss.

In addition, they are one of the best options for athletes. The essential minerals in this berry encourage the right balance of electrolytes in your body.

3. They help to improve your mood


Strawberries contain nutrients such as vitamin B1, also known as a mood nutrient , to help you  fight irritation and sadness. 

This nutrient fuses into your nervous system and stimulates it to increase the production of wellness hormones. 

4. They heal your skin

Thanks to their nutritional structure and high water content, these little berries are a great help in keeping your skin healthy and beautiful. 

Their regular ingestion promotes the elimination of age-accelerating toxins,  and at the same time helps with any skin pH imbalances.

You can also use strawberries topically as a mask or cream to exfoliate, lighten and soften your skin. 

5. They prevent constipation

stomach ache

Strawberries contain significant amounts of fiber, which in combination with water helps to improve bowel movements to help remove waste. 

These combinations help waste move more easily through your digestive tract.

At the same time, strawberries help control bloating and other symptoms of slow digestion. 

6. They are a natural anti-inflammatory food

Strawberries and other berries are great for reducing swelling as they are rich in vitamin C, minerals and antioxidants.

These nutrients give them anti-inflammatory, cleansing and diuretic abilities  that encourage waste removal and proper cell function.

Thus, this berry is good for relieving muscle and joint pain, and even helping with rheumatoid arthritis. 

7. They support eye health

Strawberries contain high levels of pigments such as lutein and ignore,  two carotenoids that affect eye health.

These antioxidants work with vitamin C to create a filter that protects your eyes from UV rays and climate toxins. Thus, they  reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. 

Vitamin C supports corneal and retinal health  and keeps the signs of aging at bay.  

8. They keep your brain young

The flavonoids in these little berries are great for optimizing brain function as they reduce oxidative stress. 

They are associated with a reduced risk of cognitive impairment in older adults  and may even play a key role in the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases.

Strawberries are without a doubt a nutritious food that has the ability to make a big impact on your health. The best way to enjoy them is raw, fresh and ripe  to get 100% of their nutrients and flavor. 

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