Backstroke Exercises For The Back

Do you know any movements with the resistance rubber band? Resistance bands are simple tools that can be used to do several different exercises. This time we present the movements that strengthen the back muscles.
Backstroke exercises for the back

Back-strengthening exercises with a rubber band help to get a good posture that protects the vertebrae and the spine in general. In addition, they strengthen the upper and lower back muscles as well as the lumbar and abdominal muscles if the movements are done stably. In this article, we present easy exercises with a resistance rubber band for the back.

Resistance rubber bands are rubber bands that support your workout by providing more resistance. They can be used by children, adults and the elderly.

In fact, there has been a lot of research evidence on how well exercises with a resistance rubber band strengthen the back and other areas of the body in older people. So there is no reason to think that the use of this exercise equipment is not profitable for the older population in general.

Let’s look at a few exercises with a resistance elastic band for the back.

1. Rowing with an elastic band

This is one back exercise with a resistance rubber band that is ideal for training a wide back muscle. The movement can be done sitting or standing.


  • Use a yoga mat or sit on another comfortable pad with your back straight and your legs straight.
  • Place the resistance rubber band under the soles of the feet and hold the ends firmly. Keep your back and feet straight, extend your arms, and pull the elastic bands toward your hips.
  • At this point, the movement is felt in the middle of the back as the wide back muscle is activated.
  • If you are rowing in an upright position,  stand with your shoulders wide in a crotch position and bend your hips and knees slightly.
  • Do the same with your hands.
Elderly people can use resistance rubber bands to improve health in general.

2. Head pull with resistance rubber band

This movement with a resistance rubber band helps to work the muscles of the upper back. Keep in mind that  the higher the resistance of the elastic band, the more force the muscle uses.


  • Find a high point where you can attach the rubber band securely.
  • Stand up in a shoulder-width crotch position, holding the ends of the elastic bands with your hands. Hook your knees, push your hips back and lean forward with your arms outstretched. The pelvis should be bent at a 90 degree angle.
  • Hold this position and pull your arms at an angle to your hips.

3. Lateral lifts with resistance rubber band

This movement requires full concentration to avoid back injuries and ailments. It strengthens not only the upper back but also the shoulder and neck muscles.


  • Stand up in a shoulder-width crotch position, place a resistance elastic band under the soles of your feet, and hold the ends of the elastic band with both hands.
  • Gently bend your upper body, place your arms next to your sides, and pull the elastic bands upward, flexing your arms lightly.

4. Pull the rubber band over the chest

This is an easy exercise to strengthen the muscles of the upper back.


  • Stand with your shoulders wide in a crotch position.
  • Raise your arms and hold them in front of your body.
  • Hold the ends of the elastic band and open the arms to the sides straight.
  • It is important to  keep your elbows and shoulders fully locked straight during movement.

5. Ground traction with rubber band

In addition to strengthening the back, this movement also works most other muscles in the body:

  • Step on the resistance rubber band, hold its ends with your hands and stand in a shoulder-width crotch position.
  • Lower your hips and bend your knees just as if you were squatting.
  • Remember that the neck should be kept straight, the gaze nailed forward and the back straight at all times.
  • Now extend your knees straight by stretching the elastic bands until they are perfectly straight.

6. Archery

This is a very effective movement for training a wide back muscle. The advantage of the movement is that it does not require the resistance rubber band to be attached to anything:

  • First, stand completely straight and place your right arm in the position as if you were shooting an arrow. Cross an elastic band over this palm.
  • With your left hand, hold the elastic band very close to your right palm, and pull your left arm back straight toward your hips. The right arm should remain in place and raised.
  • Do this movement 10 times, take a break and repeat  on the opposite side. That is, this time keep your left arm elevated and do the flex with your right arm.
Exercises with a resistance rubber band can also be utilized in physiotherapy
These methods are also helpful in rehabilitating from an injury.

The benefits of exercises with a resistance rubber band on the back

The use of a resistance rubber band to strengthen the back has become very popular due to its numerous benefits. These include:

  • Resistance rubber bands can be found for every fitness level.
  • The use of a resistance rubber band develops muscle strength and makes it possible to easily mimic some workout movements.
  • The use of resistance rubber bands is safe and almost risk-free. They are often used in rehabilitation to recover from muscle injuries.
  • Workouts in the back and other areas of the body can be intensified by increasing the number of sets each week. The rubber band can also be replaced with a stiffer one.

This makes it easy to train your back muscles using resistance rubber band. So don’t be anymore, try these moves in a miracle!

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