Treatment Of Sore Throat By Natural Means

Did you know that gargling with salt water or baked soda water is an effective way to relieve sore throat? Both methods help reduce swelling and destroy bacteria and other pustules.
Treatment of sore throat by natural means

Who among us would never have suffered from some kind of inflammation in his throat? It’s a painful feeling that makes daily life quite uncomfortable. Talking and even breathing can make it hurt. Is there any way to do this? Of course it is! Try the simple treatments presented in this article the next time you suffer from a sore throat. Treatment of sore throat by natural means is possible using the following means.

Treatment of sore throat by natural means

The treatment of sore throat is also possible by natural means.

Often,  sore throat begins with the change of seasons. Sometimes the culprit may be air conditioning, which can dry out and irritate an already sore throat, or perhaps a sore throat due to cold weather. Whatever the reason, sore throat should not be ignored, as sore throat makes you feel stressed and anxious.

Sore throat can be caused by a bacterium, a virus, or damage  . Some sore throats are more persistent than others and may require a course of antibiotics. Sometimes treating a sore throat requires a couple of days of rest, giving the body time to heal and recover.

It is good to keep in mind that sometimes the immune system may be weakened, making inflammation and certain diseases more susceptible to infection. So make sure your diet follows a healthy lifestyle. In addition, treatment of sore throat by the following means is recommended:

1. Thyme-honey-lemon tea

Tea to treat sore throat.

However, nothing is as easy and effective as consuming these ingredients together.  For example, thyme is an antiseptic herb that kills bacteria effectively. Honey, on the other hand, promotes healing, reduces swelling and soothes the entire throat. Combining them with lemon juice creates a medicinal drink that you can enjoy throughout the day if you wish. Here’s how to make a drink:

Add two tablespoons of fresh thyme to a liter of boiling water. Add the juice of one lemon and the grated lemon zest. Bring these ingredients to a boil for 10 minutes. Transfer from the hot plate and wait 10 minutes before straining the liquid into another container.

Drink this tea all day, and be sure to steel it with two tablespoons of honey. You will find that you feel better throughout the day.

2. Gargle with salt water

Soak a tablespoon of salt in 2.5 dec of water. Gargle this mixture once an hour, but do not swallow it. Just let it spread to the back of your throat for a few seconds before spitting it out and then repeat the operation.

Instead of salt, you can also use a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar or even baking soda.  All three ingredients reduce swelling, kill any bacteria and pimples, and treat sore throats effectively.

3. Garlic – the best natural antibiotic

Treatment of sore throat with garlic.


Everyone knows that garlic is still considered the most effective natural antibiotic of all, and best of all, it is available from almost anywhere. It is effective and healthy and does not contain any negative side effects. So definitely try garlic the next time you get a sore throat.

Crush just one clove of garlic, mix it with half a cup of water and enjoy immediately. You can repeat this twice a day. The smell of garlic will stick to your breath, of course, but this is advice that is definitely worth a try. You will feel better quickly!

4. Chamomile bath


This treatment, in turn, is based on a therapeutic bath over a sore throat. In this way, it reduces swelling and provides relief for sore throats. Follow these steps:

Make chamomile tea by adding three tablespoons of herbs to a cup of water. Once the chamomile has dissolved in the water, strain the herbs off and moisten a towel or other cloth with the tea and press it over your throat.

Repeat this process whenever the bath loses its heat; each bath lasts about 20 minutes.

5. Turmeric and green tea

Drink turmeric tea to treat sore throat.
turmeric tea


This is an easy and very effective trick. Combining green tea and turmeric will create a drink that will help reduce swelling and speed healing.

Prepare green tea as usual. When the water starts to boil, add half a teaspoon of ground turmeric. After the mixture is simmered for about five minutes, sweeten it with a drop of honey and enjoy. You will feel much better.

6. Rest a lot

Rest helps with sore throat.


Your body fights inflammation. The only way it can continue its efforts is to make sure that its innate defense system gets enough rest. So make sure you sleep enough as you will heal faster!

When in pain, it is recommended to rest for 10 or 11 hours a day, so make sure you take a nap and a long enough night’s sleep to gather strength. You will find that little by little you start to feel normal.

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