Are You Too Afraid Of Other People’s Opinions?

If you are worried about what others are thinking, and if you place more value on this than on your own opinion, you are putting your happiness in the hands of other people.
Are you too afraid of the opinions of others?

Worried about what other people think of you? If you always try to please others or if you are afraid of the opinions of others, you will consume yourself so much that this will ruin your happiness.

The end result is that you sink into a spiral of grief and inconsolability, as other people have very different opinions. Sometimes you even feel confused. Who should I listen to now, and who should I ignore?

The good thing, though, is that you can change that kind of thinking. There are some things you do without being aware of it yourself  that cause that concern about what others think of you.

Stop judging yourself through other eyes

a woman wants the opinions of others in the choice of glasses

Assessing yourself from other people’s perspectives clearly shows that  you have a problem with your self-esteem.

If someone tells you that you are pretty that day, you will feel charming. However, if the next day someone says the opposite, you will change your own opinion.

This prevents you from seeing yourself as you are. You become obsessed with how others see you and you are very worried about your appearance.

In this situation, start looking in the mirror and  pay attention to your own opinion of yourself. Do not listen to the opinions of others.

Your own opinion should always be number one for you, as that is the opinion that is most important to you.

You don’t have to be perfect

the woman says no

As you begin to worry about what others think of you, you will begin to adopt different ways to create an image of the perfect person. Perfection is, of course, impossible, and it will at the same time make you exhausted.

You start saying “sorry” when you haven’t done anything wrong, because you take responsibility for things you don’t need.

Your obsession with perfection will make you feel guilty about almost everything because you can’t stand the slightest mistake. You change your plans to please others.

For example, if one day you’re home and you don’t feel like going out with friends, you’re still forcing yourself to leave so you can please them and not have to come up with an excuse to refuse.

Saying that you just don’t want to is not an option for you. You want to be perfect, at least in the eyes of others, and so you always prioritize others and do things you don’t want to. You want to please others.

Above all, when you  live like this, you will always be stressed as you try to get along with all the people around you. Whenever you feel like you are not getting along with someone, you feel anxious.

You don’t have to be perfect and you can’t expect to get along with everyone.  It’s a big big mistake if you don’t do what you want just because you want to look good in the eyes of others.

Start by thinking more about yourself and how you really feel. You have nothing to lose if you try this new way of behaving.

Start making decisions with confidence

woman at the crossroads

These things we just mentioned will make you suffer from terrible uncertainty about all the decisions that come before you.

Decisions may not be anything important, because even in small and simple things, you are unsure of how you should act.

Then why is this happening?

Because you’ve always turned your attention to other people, and you’re worried about how they will react to your decisions. You’re afraid they won’t accept what you’ve chosen,  so you’re not sure about yourself.

Instead of thinking this way, try to think like this: what you decide is for you, not for others. Pay attention to yourself, and don’t doubt yourself. Many successful people did not once receive support from the people around them, but in the end it became very clear that the decision they made was the right one.

If you think about it more closely, you may find that what others think doesn’t matter – it’s much more relevant what you think of yourself.

Prioritize yourself, and stop putting others first. Don’t let your decisions depend on the reactions of others.

The responsibility for how you live your life is solely yours. The path you walk on is just yours, and those feet that walk that path are yours.

Can you identify yourself with this writing – Do you think too much about the opinions of others ? If so, make a change and start to feel better.

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