Lazy Bowel Constipation

When the passage of waste in the intestine is slower than normal, it usually results in constipation. In addition, it can cause swelling as well as abdominal pain. In this article, we talk about the lazy gut and how it and the constipation it causes can be treated.
Constipation caused by a lazy bowel

People who suffer from lazy or slow bowel movements also suffer from constipation and slow digestion at all. Constipation caused by a lazy bowel can become a serious problem as it can cause a lot of pain and discomfort.

There are many reasons why people suffer from a lazy, slow-moving bowel. It can be related to, among other things, an inactive lifestyle or a poor diet that does not contain enough fiber. It can also be due to intestinal imbalance or various diseases. Lazy bowel is a fairly common problem.

The inability to defecate in the normal way and often enough can cause a variety of health problems. Read on to find out more about what constipation caused by a lazy bowel means and how it can be treated.

What does a lazy bowel mean?

A lazy or slow bowel means that the bowel muscles are slower and weaker than normal. This slows down the passage of feces, which in turn causes problems with defecation. Thus, when the bowel is slow, it is logical to suffer from constipation.

A person suffering from a lazy bowel and the constipation caused by it will not be able to defecate in the normal way. And when he defecates, it hurts and it’s a painful procedure. Stooling can even damage a person’s anus or rectum. Constipation caused by a lazy bowel is most often also associated with bloating and flatulence. In some cases, this condition can cause hemorrhoids because the person is struggling to defecate.

A person with a lazy bowel often feels full because he or she is unable to empty his or her bowel often enough. His breathing can be foul-smelling in the mornings precisely because of a full bowel and flatulence.

What causes a bowel slowdown?

Most often, a lazy bowel is not caused by any disease, but rather by lifestyle, and age can also be one of its causes. Namely, lazy bowel occurs more often in the elderly than in the young.

An inactive lifestyle is one of the most significant risk factors, and this is unfortunately a very common phenomenon in today’s world. Exercise activates the whole body and also helps the intestines to function normally.

Unhealthy diets and poor eating habits are also common causes. A diet that contains too little fiber and water increases the risk of suffering from a lazy bowel.

It is also important to note that certain medications can cause intestinal slowdown. Paradoxically, the use of laxatives can lead to a lazy bowel, because if used for a long time, the bowel gets used to them so much that the opposite effect occurs and the bowel function slows down.

As we mentioned, most of the time a lazy bowel is not caused by any disease, but that too is possible. Intestinal slowdown may be a symptom of metabolic disorders or nerve damage. If there is any injury or damage to the nerves that affect the function of the gut, such as the spinal cord, there will naturally also be changes in the movements of the gut.

When peristalsis becomes a disorder and its function slows down, constipation is a common phenomenon.

Lazy bowel constipation: how can it be treated?

If you suffer from a lazy bowel and the constipation it causes, you should first go to a doctor’s office. If your condition is not caused by any disease, you are likely to be able to treat it by natural means, that is, by changing your lifestyle.

First, it is important to enjoy high-fiber foods such as fruits and vegetables. Also drink plenty of water daily. On the other hand, many experts recommend e.g. reducing the consumption of dairy products and processed foods.

In addition to dietary changes, you should exercise daily. There is no need to become a professional athlete or even start practicing any expensive sport, but an hour’s walk a day can lead to big changes. Also remember the value of exercise; walk or bike to the store instead of driving, choose the stairs instead of the elevator and so on.

Some experts also recommend changing posture while sitting on the bar. Raising your feet slightly off the floor, for example on a small platform, can help with defecation considerably.

If you need to enjoy laxatives, try natural alternatives first. Green tea and some fruits like kiwi can help. An enema can also be a solution to the problem. Enemas and medicated laxatives should only be used if your doctor recommends them.

A lazy gut usually has a cause that we can influence ourselves. In most cases, exercise and the right diet will make the space easier. If you do not feel better and your constipation persists, ask your doctor for advice. He can order you for tests to find out the causes of intestinal laziness.

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