Natural Mouthwashes

Natural mouthwashes are the best way to prevent bacteria from growing on the tongue after brushing your teeth. Mouthwash prevents bad breath and leaves the mouth fresh.
Natural mouthwashes

Bad breath is an oral health problem that can be a sign of inflammation, gum or tooth disease, or digestive problems. Sometimes, however, bad breath is caused by bacteria nesting on the tongue. The tongue is the first organ in the digestive process and bacteria easily accumulates on the tongue. Natural mouthwashes work best for the treatment of the whole mouth.

The growth of bacteria on the tongue can lead to chronic bad breath and other oral problems that can lead to suffering from social life and deteriorating quality of life.

For this reason, it is important to take proper care of oral hygiene and use disinfectants that keep the mouth clean and fresh. Brushing your teeth alone may not always be enough.

Keep reading and we’ll find out which ingredients work best for freshening your mouth.

What is the best way to disinfect the tongue?

If you want a cleaner mouth and bacteria-free tongue, you need the following tools:

  • 1 clean toothbrush
  • toothpaste
  • 1 tongue cleaner
  • mouthwash


  • Squeeze a drop of toothpaste on the toothbrush and brush it through the tongue. Start at the back of the tongue and move towards the tip of the tongue. Rinse with warm water.
  • Next, use a tongue cleaner to remove white residue. Orthodox, the tongue cleaner is pressed against the tongue, moving from the back of the tongue towards the front.
  • To complete mouth cleansing, rinse your mouth with antibacterial mouthwash for 1-2 minutes.

Mouthwash removes microscopic small bacteria that may lurk in the mouth even after proper cleaning.

You can use commercially available mouthwash, or make your own natural mouthwashes using the following instructions.

Natural mouthwashes

1. Baking soda

natural mouthwashes from baking soda

Baking soda is an effective ally in improving oral hygiene as it helps to disinfect the mouth and remove bad odors.


  • 2 dl of water
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 3 drops of essential mint oil


Combine all ingredients in a glass bottle and mix well. Gargle properly and spit out.

2. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar naturally has a disinfecting effect, which helps in killing and removing various microorganisms.

This simple rinse leaves the mouth clean and eliminates bad bacteria.


  • 2 dl of water
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar


Combine the ingredients in the bottle and use the mouthwash after brushing your teeth.

3. Parsley and cloves

natural mouthwashes from cloves and parsley

The extract made from parsley together with the spicy cloves helps to neutralize bad breath and effectively removes bacteria from the mouth.


  • 1 dl of water
  • 1 sprig of parsley
  • 3 whole carnations


Boil the parsley in water together with the carnations. Allow to cool, Strain and use liquid as mouthwash.

4. Hydrogen peroxide

Mouthwash made from hydrogen peroxide disinfects the mouth. In addition to this, it has a whitening effect that helps to remove yellow stains and darkening of the teeth.


  • 1 part hydrogen peroxide
  • 3 parts water


Mix the ingredients together and use as a mouthwash after brushing your teeth.

5. Antiseptic mouthwash

This natural mouthwash consists of antiseptics, antibiotics and refreshing agents that make cleaning teeth, tongue and gums easy.


  • Less than 2 dl of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 dl of water
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable glycerin
  • 15 g of ground myrrh
  • 5 drops of cinnamon oil
  • 5 drops of clove oil


Combine all ingredients in a clean glass bottle and shake to mix well. Just use the splash as a mouthwash, finally spit it out.

6. Mint rinse

natural mouthwash with mint

Mint has an antibacterial and disinfectant effect that helps slow the growth of bacteria in the mouth. Best of all, the fresh scent and taste of mint refreshes your mouth and breath.


  • 5 mint leaves
  • 1 dl of water


Boil the water, let the leaves stand in hot water for five minutes, allow to cool and strain. Use the liquid as a mouthwash after brushing your teeth.

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