Discouragement Is Normal, Pessimism Is Not

Discouragement is normal, pessimism is not

Pessimism can affect all areas of our lives and leave us paralyzed. That’s why it’s important to seek help from loved ones, but most importantly, let others help you.

Pessimism and feelings of discouragement are different things

Who wouldn’t have ever felt discouraged? This is very normal, and one could also say that  people are almost always subject to discouragement. It is the case, however, that discouragement is a different matter from pessimism.

Pessimism affects people in very significant ways and can make life very difficult. The worst part of this is that people don’t always realize they’re pessimistic until it’s too late. Pessimism is also one of those things that is hard to eliminate if it gets inside you.

From normal to toxic

There is only one step from discouragement to pessimism. So what’s going on here? What causes pessimism? Pessimism always arises when a person prolongs his own feeling of discouragement.

man's pessimism

It’s not a bad thing to feel discouraged. This happens to everyone every now and then, and it can help bring together the required strength to face the issue ahead so that you are much more prepared for it.

The problem is that sometimes it’s hard to get yourself out of that state of discouragement.  This may be due, for example, to your difficult life situation or the fact that you simply cannot see the light in the midst of immense darkness. Then the risk is that you will end up captive to pessimism.

You may think this isn’t such a bad thing, but in fact, a lot of things change inside you with pessimism. What are these consequences? Keep reading, in the following we will tell you about the effects of pessimism on man.

Pessimism changes the way you look at life

Pessimism changes your attitude towards life and everything that surrounds you.  Suddenly everything looks dark. You may also feel that you are becoming very pessimistic. This vicious circle prevents you from finding your way out of your situation.

When you find yourself deep in pessimism, you no longer feel you have opportunities, and you no longer experience experiences. The truth is that in these moments, you give many opportunities to escape from you.

This is all because of one thing: fear.

Pessimism changes the way you listen

Whether you are in this world or not, everything you hear swells in your ears when it arrives. All you have to do is hear one negative comment or notice one single rude reaction, and you magnify this into a heavy feeling of discomfort.

pessimism makes you discouraged

Many phrases come to mind in moments like this, such as “I’m worthless,” “it would have happened sooner or later,” “no one will help you,” or “the world is against you”. These thoughts will make you even more discouraged, if possible, and will haunt you in the context of the pessimism with which you have surrounded yourself.

Pessimism changes the way you talk

Just as you begin to hear negative things, pessimism also changes the way you see things, and you begin to talk very differently than before.

In moments like these,  you say sad things and words that are full of pain and that reflect the full sense of pessimism that surrounds you.

So what is the solution in moments like this? Force positive words to come out of your mouth, for all is not evil. Your eyes are just closed, so open them!

Pessimism affects your relationships

In the end, this pessimism will affect your relationships. You may no longer go out as much as you used to, or maybe the pessimism that surrounds you is starting to spread to your friends as well.

This makes you isolate yourself from others in ways that are not good at all. The best advice is to try to talk about your problems with your friends, try to have fun, and most importantly, don’t shut yourself up.

These are your best allies against pessimism.

Pessimism puts your future at risk

Discouragement, pessimism and feelings of hopelessness will eventually make you paralyzed. You will no longer be able to face life, allow opportunities to slide past you, and lose everything you could have given more of yourself.

You don’t want to do anything, nothing inspires you. All success comes out of your hands, and you will feel even worse because of this. So try to get out of pessimism, fight for it!

But the most important thing is to ask people close to you for help. They help you see the world in a much more positive light.

pessimism often leads to loneliness

As we mentioned earlier, everyone has gone through times of discouragement, but the important thing is that you get yourself out of pessimism. If you stay in it for a long time, you will become a toxic person. You lose opportunities and people, and you become gray and apathetic inside.

So learn to tell other people about your problems, and learn to reveal your innermost being to others. The way you see things is not the only way to look at the world, and in a time of pessimism, it is not the most appropriate way either.

So let other people open your eyes. Fight the darkness that eats you.

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