Intestinal Cleansing Naturally

Intestinal cleansing naturally

Slags easily accumulate in the intestines, causing the whole body to function poorly. A colon full of  waste products can cause health problems, which is why it is naturally advisable to clean the bowel. It is also good to be aware of what causes the accumulation of waste products in the colon so that you can prevent the accumulation of waste products as well as possible.

Intestinal cleansing naturally – what you should know

If bowel cleansing is on your mind due to intermittent or mild constipation, all you need to do is add fiber or herbs to your diet to normalize bowel function.  In this way, however, it is not possible to remove the old fecal mass accumulated in the intestinal walls. If you have not been to the toilet for five days, then as many as about 15 meal residues have accumulated in the colon.

Intestinal cleansing naturally is beneficial to the well-being of the entire body as it removes from the body everything that can no longer be used for good. At the same time, the intestines are cleansed of anything that slows or prevents the intestines from functioning properly – be it parasites or old food leftovers. Proper bowel lavage and proper diet can effectively cleanse the bowel.

The pure intestine is seen on the outside as a good feeling and also feels as an internal well-being. The quality of sleep improves, the breath smells better and the characteristic smell also improves. As a result of intestinal cleansing, pimples and pimples also disappear. Intestinal cleansing naturally also stimulates the stomach, especially the pancreas and liver glands, resulting in a stronger body. S uoliston cleaning also improves the absorption of food.

It is good to do bowel cleansing naturally at regular intervals.

Remember that the use of laxatives to cleanse the intestines is not recommended because their active ingredients are more toxic and irritating to the intestines than the food residues themselves that they try to remove from the intestines.

The best natural remedies are rinses, enemas, herbs and salts. These natural remedies are more reliable and can be used without worries – as long as you have all the information you need to cleanse your bowel.

However, these bowel cleansing methods should not be used too often to avoid becoming addicted. In this case, the end result may be the opposite. A healthy diet should be followed regularly and continuously. So you can no longer eat everything you want, thinking you can fix it with a weekly bowel rinse – your body wouldn’t be able to stand it.

You do not necessarily have to resort to the intestinal cleansing techniques mentioned above, as there are also foods that have intestinal cleansing effects.

Vegetable recipes for intestinal cleansing

With these recipes, you  cleanse both your intestines and your digestive system at the same time – simply and effectively. All you need to do is make a few changes to your diet, such as adding more seasonal fruits, vegetables and dried seeds. In addition to your intestines, your kidneys and liver are also cleared. Both your body and your overall well-being will be greatly improved with the help of these herbal recipes.

One of the best intestinal cleansing recipes is this: you need two oranges, seven strawberries and three peaches. Remove the stones from the peaches, chop the fruit, put the pieces of fruit in a blender and puree. Do not strain the juice, but drink it as it is before breakfast. Drink juice for nine consecutive days. An hour after drinking fruit juice, you can eat your normal breakfast.

The juice helps to cleanse the intestine naturally and also helps to strengthen the respiratory system. Juice also helps relieve the symptoms of depression.

Cleanse the intestines with homemade juice.


There are also herbs that are excellent for bowel cleansing. These include:

  • Herbal Psoriasis:  Aboriginal people in North America have been using the bark of the Sagrada tree for thousands of years. In the 16th century, the herbal palace was introduced to the Spaniards. The compounds in the shell help to activate colonic contractions by mimicking the movements of defecation. With the help of herbs, sensitive stomachs can also remove  waste products from the body.
  • Jänönratamo : Jänönratamo is the shell of Indian and Iranian seeds, and the shells are mainly used in alternative medicine. They contain a lot of soluble dietary fiber. Soak the crusts in water to get a gelatinous dough around them that acts as a brush, clearing everything from the intestinal walls. Jänönratamo helps to improve the overall health of the intestine.

Seeds for intestinal cleansing.

  • Herbaceous Rose : This herb has been used since ancient Greek times, hence its name (Althaea Officinalis). “Altho” means a cure or medicine. The herb contains large sugar molecules that soothe the mucous membranes of the colon wall.
  • Cashew cinnamon : Cashew cinnamon is also known as Chinese cinnamon and is the first spice to be brought to Europe with Alexander the Great. Before Europe, the spice was exported to Egypt and Israel. It is cultivated in Southeast China for its oil, inflorescences and bark. This cinnamon has a very beneficial effect on the digestive system because it has health-promoting effects on the tissues and mucous membranes of the stomach and colon.

Advice on keeping your gut clean

  • Eat 8-10 servings of fruit a week. Prefer preferably choose fibrous fruits such as berries.
  • Eat whole grains 2-3 times a week.
  • Choose a protein- and high-fiber diet as it helps cleanse the colon.
  • Do not eat sweets or fatty foods.
  • Add whole flax seeds to your diet, sprinkling them on your food before serving.
  • Exercise daily (at least 30 minutes of walking a day) and drink plenty of water daily (the recommended amount is at least 2 liters of water a day).

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