5 Signs Of Omega-3 And -6 Fatty Acid Deficiency

Omega-3 and -6 are two essential fatty acids that our body does not produce, but which it needs to perform certain functions. If you are deficient in these fatty acids, it may be felt in your body. Learn to recognize the characters!
5 signs of Omega-3 and -6 fatty acid deficiency

Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids are vital  in any healthy diet. This is because our bodies are unable to produce them themselves and because they are basic parts of the structure of our cells. Deficiency of these fatty acids is reflected in the body in different ways.

You may never have stopped to think about this before. While it may seem strange, many people tend to forget about these fatty acids. They are usually found in fats, especially the following:

  • Avocados
  • Fish
  • Peanuts
  • Balls
  • Olives

We are afraid to eat them because we think they are gaining weight, but in reality our bodies need a regular dose of these healthy fats. 

This is because they handle many functions and processes that are vital to our health, including our metabolism.

Today, we suggest that you increase your intake of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. You will notice the difference, and your body will be grateful for it! 

What exactly are Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids?

intake of fatty acids is important

We know that today there are several products that are artificially enriched with these fatty acids. There are smoothies, milks and butter that contain these added compounds.

This is helpful, we cannot deny it. But since our bodies do not produce them ourselves, a better option would be to choose natural sources such as salmon, nuts, flax seeds or broccoli. 

  • Linoleic acid (Omega-6) is the best known long chain fatty acid of all,  found mostly in all types of seeds, dried fruits, and oils such as sunflower oil.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids, in turn, are found in fatty fish, seafood, legumes, olive oil, nuts, and almonds.

Both Omega-6 and -3 fatty acids are structural compounds in cell membranes and are  required for an endless number of organic processes. 

They are also an important source of energy.

Deficiency of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids

Symptoms of fatty acid deficiency include  dry skin

1. Dry skin

One of the most typical clinical signs of fatty acid deficiency is dry skin. This is very common in young children if they do not eat as they should.

Skin problems are usually a direct result of a person not eating enough of these fatty acids. Deficiency of these fatty acids predisposes to inflammation and poor wound healing. 

2. Premature births

Although the reasons for the increase in the number of premature births are not entirely clear,  factors such as maternal age, smoking, stress, and lack of good fatty acids could be some of its triggers.

These types of fats promote the proper development of the fetus during pregnancy. They are like a special “gasoline” that ensures the proper functioning of the cells and the “assembly processes” that are essential for a child to grow.

We know that diet is very important during pregnancy, and nutrients such as vitamin D, calcium, and essential fatty acids are the undisputed help. 

3. Heart problems

Eating omega-6-rich foods creates an incredible protective effect on the heart. They give us energy and help reduce cholesterol as well as triglycerides.

For their part, Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of thrombosis,  reduce hardening of the arteries, and help control inflammation.

It is important to keep this in mind and try to enjoy these more natural sources of fats like this.

4. Infinite fatigue

lack of fatty acids can cause fatigue

Never forget this: in any weight loss diet you can’t and should never stop eating fats altogether, especially those that contain O mega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. 

One thing that a deficiency of these fatty acids can cause is an acute lack of energy.

Much of our calories should come from fats, as it is essential to include them in our foods in fair amounts every day.

You will have more energy. 

5. Higher probability of developing inflammatory diseases

Lack of fatty acids can cause inflammation

When we talk about inflammatory diseases, we mean rheumatism, for example.

The main advantage of omega-3 fatty foods is that they relieve inflamed joints and morning stiffness. They reduce swelling and pain, effectively relieving inflammation. However, remember that it is important to eat them regularly.

It is important to remember that this is not about some eating trend: this is about well-being and quality of life. 

So start increasing the amount of foods that contain healthy fatty acids right away and avoid a deficiency of these fatty acids!

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