5 Changes To Penalize Harmful Pride

Imagining yourself in someone else’s situation can be one of the best ways to understand different perspectives and stop being proud in a harmful way.
5 changes to shed harmful pride

Getting rid of harmful pride is not easy for a person who is not used to asking for forgiveness. Some may think that apology means humiliation and loss of dignity.

If apologizing feels easy to yourself, it’s worth remembering that it’s quite difficult and complicated for many proud people.

If you want to stop being proud in a harmful way, keep reading – the  following changes are necessary in your relationships and so you can be better off with yourself.

1. Don’t think you have failed


Often  proud people have a very idealistic image of themselves, which creates the belief that apologizing causes others to see them as failed.

This false belief, then, causes them to avoid apologizing, for they feel that in doing so they cease to be perfect. However, we are all just people, and we make mistakes as well as push.

In order to stop being too proud, we must accept our own imperfections.  We need to be more flexible and affectionate about ourselves. You don’t have to demand so much from yourself. Could you think that everyone is imperfect in a perfect way?

2. Be more empathetic

Sometimes it can happen that  pride makes a person less empathetic because it separates him from understanding what others may feel.

However, if you fight your fear of failure and imperfection, and if you lower your defenses, you will realize that other people need your apology. Plus, you can see yourself in their boots.

When someone makes a mistake, be grateful that they understand the matter and apologize  sincerely and completely. It feels really good. Then why not do the same yourself?

3. Write your apology on paper

write your apology on paper

You may not even know how you should start apologizing if you are not used to this. If it helps you find the right words, write your apology first on paper.

You don’t have to take a lot of stress on it, because when your hand starts to move forward on paper, you can find the right, sincere words as well as get out the message you need.

There’s no need for anything big and complicated, because even the simple “I’m sorry for the way I talked to you, my boss was awful and I bit my rage at you” is enough.

Writing your apology and reflecting on it will allow you to become familiar with the matter and be able to feel more secure when you tell your message to the person you want to apologize to.

4. Let go of shame

Often, even after these changes, one finds oneself facing an obstacle that makes saying the phrase “I’m sorry” freely impossible. We may feel that we will suffer after saying that.

Shame is one of the most  limiting feelings a person can have, and it can stop you from doing what you want.

Therefore, in order to shed harmful pride, it is worth thinking about the shame you feel. Is there something you’re constantly proud of, or do you stick to something from the past?

5. Examine your own feelings and behavior


In order to leave too much history of pride, you need to be able to be an observer of your current situation.

Think of yourself as if you were a friend: What would you say to him? What would you suggest? Would you see an apology as something that cannot be done?

When you take a new perspective on a situation, many things change. So try to use what you feel and how you understand those beliefs and motives that can prevent you from sincerely apologizing.

You may realize that the constraints you place on yourself are the result of negative experiences that have long been a thing of the past. So now is the time to learn.

Do you think you are a pretty or very proud person? If you are aware of this and face the fears that will overwhelm you when you should apologize, you will be better able to let go of these uncertainties.

Each of us has sometimes been too proud. The key, however, is that you know how to admit the wrongs you have done and say “forgive” when necessary.

Put yourself in another drive. Remember the moments when someone has apologized to you, and act accordingly. You will notice how you feel better this way, and you will also learn a lot.

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