What Things Do People Regret Before They Die?

The fact that when death is near, one regrets not doing the things he wanted to do during his life is not a good thing. We can only avoid these remorse by thinking about such things even before death approaches, and by working to be able to live the kind of life we ​​have wanted.
What things do people repent of before death?

Repentance is something that many have experienced on their deathbed. It’s a feeling of emptiness and a desire to go back to make better use of the time you’ve got to be alive.

It seems that it is only at the dawn of death that man realizes how precious life is.

Is it then sensible to wait for death to come before you can understand this matter? Instead, you can avoid these thoughts by starting to think about it right now.

Keep reading and you’ll hear more about it – what things do people usually regret at the end of life ?

Repentance in the face of death is not worth it

The fact that a person has remorse before he dies does little to bring happiness. With that in mind, we want to talk about the kind of things most people regret when the end is near.

Writing things on paper so you can keep them in mind prevents you from living your life with autopilot so that you don’t pay attention to things you might regret in the future.

Let’s take a closer look at these things then – are there any ones for whom it would be good for you to make a change so that you can avoid unnecessary remorse?

1. “I didn’t live the life I wanted”

This is one of the most common subjects of remorse. It comes from uncertainty that prevents us from making decisions and living the kind of life we ​​want. It is difficult to regret lost time when time is up.

This is often due to the need for external approval, and the following types of opinions may be of concern:

  • “Beware, it’s dangerous!”
  • “I wouldn’t spend my money on that.”
  • “But yes, you’re probably leaving that idea?”
  • … And many other things that we are unsure about and that we are taking a step backwards.

How many people have followed the same life pattern as their parents? Instead, how many have studied a life with more detours?

Which of these opportunities would make you happier?

We attach too much importance to what others think of us,  and thus we miss out on the opportunities to live the kind of life we ​​have dreamed of ourselves.

a woman is afraid of what others think of her

2. “I worked too hard”

This is another kind of thing that most people regret:  that they lived to work, and not the other way around, that is, they did not work to live.

Work can become a priority in the lives of many people who leave their families and also friends behind.

Over time, these people realize that they didn’t see their children grow up, their relationship has cooled down due to time spent apart, and friendships have not been taken care of, and therefore there are no more real friends. Repentance hits hard.

Personal relationships are very valuable to all people. So let’s make them a priority. Work is important, but building strong relationships is much more important.

3. “I should have done more fun and crazy things”

Looking back and noticing that we are thinking of doing a lot of madness, which then failed to do because of fear, uncertainty or excuses, leaves a bitter taste in our mouths.

Do you want to make it some extreme thing? Well do it! Do you want to travel? Take your backpack from the closet and leave!

All unfulfilled hopes will be the material for the development of repentance on your deathbed.

These wild and crazy ideas require nothing more than to  leave your comfort zone. It is, of course, a safe and comfortable place, but at the same time, this area still restricts people very much.

We only live once, so why not live this life intensely?

what people repent before death


4. “I wish I had expressed my feelings”

From an early age, we have heard that we should suppress our feelings. Don’t cry in the presence of people next to you, don’t raise your voice, keep yourself in control…

All of this means that when the need arises, we will not be able to release our feelings in the privacy of our own home either.

  • “Why didn’t I tell him I loved him?”
  • “I wish I had cried all the tears that would have set me free.”

Don’t wait until the very end of your life to do all four of these things.

Now that you know what people often repent of when they know death is near,  is it time to change your own life?  Only by avoiding remorse will you be able to close your eyes when the moment comes with a smile on your face and happy with how Elit has spent all your years.

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