3 Ways To Overcome Disappointment Stronger

When we accept that disappointment is a normal part of life, we take away its power and it ceases to cause us so much pain. Learn to accept disappointment and move on.
3 Ways to Cope with Disappointment Stronger

Frustration. You feel those buds in your throat and stomach. Your breathing changes. You have been disappointed and it has imprisoned you there. However, you can get out of this place.

The positive side of disappointment is that it allows you to learn  and become aware of what you have done wrong. You will find solutions so that you do not hurt yourself again.

To do this, it is important to try to change certain learned habits that can be quite irrational, such as expectations. Almost all high expectations will eventually be scrapped, allowing reality to take its place. And then disappointment raises its head.

Today we want to look at three ways to move forward.

1. Talk about how you feel

woman and dandelion

The best way to get stronger from disappointment is to express how you feel.  This is not only because you want to share your feelings with others, but also because you get them out of your heart.

Believe it or not, speaking out loud makes you realize certain things, because if you kept them to yourself, you might not even be aware of them.

For example, you may be aware that you have created the wrong kind of picture of a particular person. This led you to believe that he was something that didn’t really exist.

Talking about it, too, will help you regulate your feelings. You find that your feelings are on the surface and you suddenly start to cry or explode with rage.

It is important to  identify them and, above all, to release them. That way, they won’t take root deep within us and we can let them follow their course.

You will feel much better when you have received them from your heart  completely, leaving nothing inside.

2. What have you learned?


Every experience, good or bad, leads to learning,  which makes us more natural and better people. Disappointment is part of this, so you shouldn’t feel like a victim. Instead, you should feel privileged.

The more different situations we experience, the more we learn about ourselves and others. 

We get a chance to notice our own limitations when we meet new people,  realizing how one way or another we idealize them so that they become what we want them to be.

We can become aware of when we have expected too much from someone else, and how doing so is a dangerous game.

People can behave in every way and they can surprise us with the slightest change. Not expecting anything from them saves us a lot of suffering. 

3. Re-trusting people

This is the hardest piece, but also the most important of all: re-trusting people, even if they might betray your trust again. 

Not all people are the same, but it is also true that we cannot walk around blind. Everyone is capable of becoming another person in one day.

This is happening. Our biggest problem is that we continue to have expectations that things will happen the way we want them to happen.

It’s important to trust people again, but given what you’ve just learned. Leave expectations and idealizations aside. Open your eyes properly and stick to reality. It’s hard, but with patience you can do it.

Enjoying your relationships right now is the smartest thing you can do,  although it’s also the hardest of all.

We build illusions without meaning and dream of a wonderful life so that we have a promising future alongside those who give us so much happiness now.

They won’t let you down, but the bandage over your eyes will fall off and you’ll face reality face to face. 

You’ve been blind to all this time, and it’s time for you to become aware of what’s going on. It’s not disappointing if you keep your eyes open from the start.

When you accept that disappointment is something natural  that is part of the learning process, you will not be exposed to the same mistakes.

Instead, you will survive them stronger.

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