8 Ways To Combat Odors

Many things can cause excessive sweating. It is important to find out what is causing the phenomenon and act accordingly. In addition, it is essential to consider your own skin type when fighting sweating.
8 ways to combat odor

The stores offer many products that promise to combat the smell of sweat. They are effectively marketed solutions to this phenomenon, but often they are still ineffective in controlling sweating. 

One big problem for many people is that the sweat smells too strong. Bad odors can occur on the face, armpits, legs and other parts of the body.

This excessive sweating can be a problem in social situations. Sweat, of course, causes odor, and so it’s not just a clothing dilemma.

How to fight sweat effectively

Now we want to tell you about some effective methods to help you fight odor effectively!

The fight against sweating is not just about staining stains on clothes, but also about preventing unpleasant odors and allowing the pores to breathe.

1. Anti-bacterial gel

you can combat the smell of sweat with a disinfectant gel

Sweating often increases as the temperature rises. This is a very unpleasant phenomenon and is as much a problem because of the sensation caused by sweating as it is because of the smell associated with it. In addition, wet spots on clothing are, of course, annoying.

When this happens, and if you don’t have the opportunity to wash or shower at that very moment, one good idea is to rub  a little anti-bacterial gel into your armpits. This allows you to reduce the odor caused by sweating and kill bacteria.

2. Oxidized water

Oxidized water is an antiseptic product that fights sweating by removing bacteria.

To reduce sweating with this product, all you need to do is mix a tablespoon of oxidized water with half a cup of water. Then apply this fluid to the armpit area.

3. Baking soda

Another faster solution to remove odor is a homemade mixture consisting of baking soda, water and sugar.

4. Oak bark

Oak bark is one of the most effective solutions to prevent excessive sweating. You can buy this product from pharmacies and health food stores.

You can make a brew of a liter of boiling water and five tablespoons of grated oak bark. When the water boils,  let it simmer for two hours before use. This is a very effective treatment.

Another way to take advantage of that stew is to put it in an ice cube mold. Allow the liquid to freeze, and then you can  rub the pieces easily into your armpits.

5. Alum stone

you can combat the smell of alum with alum

Alum is a mineral with antiperspirant properties. It is a completely natural product. 

This mineral is a very effective aid in preventing excessive sweating as it acts as an antibacterial and antiseptic product.  Due to its naturalness, the skin pores are not clogged due to its use. One of the benefits of this product is also that it leaves no marks on clothing like the chemicals in stores can do.

6. Aluminum chloride

Aluminum chloride-containing antiperspirants and deodorants are one of the product groups that people use to combat sweating.

Depending on the product, there may be more or less aluminum chloride. It is good to know that this substance has been studied a lot in recent years and is considered by some to be a carcinogen.

7. Botox

beautiful armpits

If you have excessive sweating, an abnormal odor, and your clothes are stained, one solution you can take advantage of is botox injections.

Blockage of the nerve end in the sweat glands and the use of botox  have been very effective means for this purpose. The effect of Botox lasts for 6-12 months, so the treatment must then be repeated.

8. Laser treatment

One effective method is laser treatment. In this way, it is possible to shrink the sweat glands and make them stop working.

If you suffer from excessive sweating and would like to combat the smell of sweat effectively, these remedies are some of the options for curbing this phenomenon. Which of these solutions do you want to try yourself?

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