Not Tired Of Loving, Yes Of Disappointing

As it continues for a long time, disappointments will eat you up and crush your hopes.
Not tired of loving, yes of disappointing

Love never ends for those who truly appreciate the time and attention given. Giving love is not exhausting, and you are not tired of loving yourself. What makes the mind gloomy is disappointment and the emptiness it causes in human relationships.

Can you get tired of loving?

The classic saying “give love regardless of its destination” highlights several important points. We all experience it for ourselves when we have given a lot of ourselves to the people around us without realizing that there must be some boundaries.

Some people assume that it doesn’t take much effort to get attention, compliments, services, and affection. They don’t understand that a human relationship is a constant “give and take” barter.

Absolute love is a matter worthy of respect. It is the love a mother feels for her child, an unwavering pillar that we all understand and appreciate. However, unconditional love is a dangerous area for many.

boredom for loving

Namely, not everyone is worthy of our constant affection and respect if we do not receive them from someone else. When we are mistreated or deceived, we experience feelings of disappointment, and we would like to discuss this in this article.

Disappointment eats you slowly

Disappointment eats you up slowly until it finally forces you to wake up. However, before the moment of awakening comes, we go through complex and mentally difficult stages that make us question many things.

It should be noted that disappointment is not necessarily the first step towards separation. It allows us to see things more realistically so that we can develop a more mature approach to different situations in life.

Let’s take a closer look at this issue.

When love is blind and disappointment opens your eyes

This often happens in our youth: we enter into a relationship where we adore our partner so much that we don’t see his faults because we have placed him on such a high pedestal.

  • Every day life reminds us that perfection doesn’t even exist, and this is not a bad thing. Seeing things as they are is the best — and only — way to live in a relationship.
  • No one is perfect, neither our partners nor we ourselves. Everyone makes mistakes, and we all have obsessions and faults.
  • These first disappointments open our eyes to the fact that in a thriving human relationship, both parties must give equal of themselves.

Mistakes can be corrected. Mistakes teach us valuable things, and our mistakes remind us that we are just people.

We also know that there are disappointments and mistakes that cannot always be forgiven.

boredom for loving

Disappointment that eats you inside and hurts

Sometimes certain facts, words, or deeds come to light that really open our eyes, sometimes very drastically, to the fact that someone has not acted in the way we expected.

  • It is very likely that no one will ever be able to live up to all our expectations because, as we mentioned earlier, love tends to idealize the traits of a partner.
  • Love should never be given blindly. When it comes to emotions, we are in a situation where it is already difficult to control our feelings.
  • We can accept disappointment and forgive the mistake, even five times. But if they do happen together, we will have to make a decision. Disappointment not only eats you from within; it damages and destroys your self-esteem.

I am tired of the constant disappointments

not getting tired of loving, disappointing hurt

No need to even go to extremes. When the heart gets tired of a certain amount of disappointment, it either closes or surrenders and accepts the situation as it is.

  • We should never allow ourselves to find ourselves in situations where we tolerate disappointments so much that it feels completely “normal” and we think it’s best to just endure and keep quiet.
  • It doesn’t matter if it’s a partner, your parents, a friend, or even your child. If a relationship lacks respect and it is obvious that the other’s intent is just to hurt, it is because they don’t understand what respect or sincere affection is. It is time to react strongly.

You should figure out what to do the first time you are cheated. Once your eyes are opened to reality, you need to address the thing that hurts you and understand that this kind of behavior does not build a relationship.

If something bothers you, find out what it is and tell us about it. If you are deceived by something, talk about it and come up with ways to prevent it from happening again.

If the disappointments persist, you need to respond to them even harder. Otherwise, they make it too sore, and you break up into too many pieces.

Don’t let that happen.

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