If You Have A Son, You Have Treasure And Challenge

While boys may be more independent than girls, it is important to understand their needs in parenting. It is also important to start communicating early so that your son can trust you.
If you have a son, you have treasure and challenge

The son is a treasure for every mother and father,  and they see themselves reflected in this new life. They strive to give the world a brave little man who is happy and able to help other people be happy.

All children are precious and awesome, whether they are girls or boys, and should be loved and taught in every case. However, the nature of a little boy can sometimes be very different from that of a girl, and it is common for a boy to require a lot of effort from his parents.

Children are never identical copies of their parents. They have their own character and voice,  and parents should learn to guide the child to be responsible, mature, and happy.

Here’s a closer look, so keep reading especially if you have a boy yourself!

Strategies and challenges of the boy’s parents in upbringing

At this point, it should be remembered that a parent should not fall into stereotypes, but that the upbringing of boys and girls should be done equally.

The tips we present this time depend on the individual needs of each child, but they include some basic tools that can help and provide guidance as a parent.

the boy has a bow around his neck

Don’t teach your son to be the strongest, smartest, or bravest — teach him to be himself

One mistake that so many families make is to rely on gender stereotypes, which we mentioned earlier.

  • Some want their son to become the best in football, the smartest in school, or the bravest with the most friends. However, this is not a good way to grow.
  • Work with your son as well as with your daughter:  let her be what she chooses for herself. Let her do what she wants with her free time, and let her plan for herself the dreams she wants to achieve.
  • You don’t have to point your son in the direction of a particular sport if he’s not interested in it or doesn’t like it.

Understand your child and remember that he or she is not a mini-sized version of yourself.

You can tell your son about the things you like yourself, and you can steer him in the direction of certain interests. You can put him in front of some things, but  don’t force your son into something he doesn’t really have or doesn’t want.

The boy has a right to be sad

Boys are not born to be stronger than girls, nor are they invincible. One mistake some parents still make is this: they say to their son,  “Don’t cry, you’re a man, and you have to be strong.”

  • Boys, just like girls, need to let their emotions out. So let your son cry if he needs to do so.
  • It is important that you encourage equal emotional communication in the boy as in the girl. So try to build a relationship with your son from the beginning that is based on trust.
  • Never make fun of the things your son tells you. This also includes his ideas, dreams, feelings and desires. If your son finds you criticizing or mocking him, he probably won’t trust you anymore.
son and mother playing

The boy is looking for his own space early on

Boys tend to sway between the need for affection and care and the desire to be left to exercise their rights and freedoms. This happens to boys early on.

  • You need to be patient and hold on to your position. Boys respond negatively to a simple ban, so you need to persuade them to understand that they can’t do certain things yet.
  • It is also important that you teach your son how to  accept responsibility if he requests more space or more rights.
  • Therefore, and just as you would with your daughter, you should give your son responsibilities from the moment he is very young.

There are tasks and responsibilities that your son should accept, and these include cleaning your own room, helping with homework, participating in pet care, and taking care of your own belongings.


the boy is a treasure: a mother kisses her baby boy

Finally, it can be said that the boy is both a treasure and a challenge. Her upbringing should be based on your own understanding of her needs as well as good communication. This will make it easier for your son to trust you.

Respecting who your son is and what he likes is obviously important so that he can achieve independence and become mature enough to pursue his own dreams. At the same time, your son should be able to be sure that you will be a support every single day of his life.

As mothers and fathers, we love both our sons and daughters equally, and they must both be brought up with the same rights and responsibilities. This is a very important issue.

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