9 Foods You Should Avoid If You Are On A Diet

If you want your diet to be effective, it’s always best to make your own smoothies and salads and not buy pre-made ones. Learn more about this and other tips in this article! 
9 foods you should avoid if you are on a diet

When you’re on a diet, nothing is what it looks like.  Similarly, there are some foods that contain more calories than it seems. The truth is that there are several such foods. Pay attention to this list of foods that can be deceptive and should be avoided if you are on a diet. 

While on a diet, people often eat some foods that appear to be low-calorie, “ light,”  or super-healthy.

However, many people may not know the reality of these foods, and this can be catastrophic for your good intentions.

Let’s look at some of the foods you should avoid.

1. Sushi

sushi rolls

Many believe that sushi is low in fish. People also think that it is a very healthy food. However, be careful: there are big differences in sushi  that you need to know.

  • For example, you should avoid rolls that contain concentrated mayonnaise, deep-fried tempura, and cream cheese. These are all high in fat.
  • Several different sauces can be served with sushi. When ordering, the best thing you can do is choose light options and avoid everything fried.

2. Cereals and muesli

Muesli can be healthy, but  it is not a good food to eat if you want to lose weight. This is because it is high in calories.

To be clear, you should always be aware of what you are eating. You can eat cereals and muesli in small amounts, and be careful about what that product contains. It should also be combined with moderate to intense exercise.

3. Cesar salad

cesar salad is not so healthy

Be careful with salads, as some of them can be very deceptive. Just because they have a salad base doesn’t make food low in calories. A good example of this is Cesar Salad.

This is a high calorie food. Its ingredients include croutons, cheese and thick sauce. This makes it a high-calorie food that you should avoid especially if you are losing weight. 

It is better to choose fresh vegetables and lettuce leaves, and sauce with olive oil.

4. Muesli bars

Be careful with muesli bars. While they seem to be a healthy low-calorie snack, they are not.

Just like cereals, commercial muesli bars contain a large number of calories. You should not eat too much.

They also contain polyunsaturated and trans fats as well as bleached sugar and  hydrogenated oils.  For this reason, it is better to avoid them.

5. Whole grain bread

fresh bread

Don’t think you eat fewer calories because you use whole grain breads instead of white bread.

Whole grain bread has the same number of calories as white bread. The difference is the amount of fiber they provide. This element encourages better digestion and keeps your stomach regular,  but nothing else.

6. Sports drinks

Sports drinks are perfect for athletes. This is because they give athletes salts and minerals that they lose during intense sports.

The amount of sugar in these drinks means that they are high in calories. Avoid them or look for sugar-free versions.

7. Pickles


Cucumbers are a great help to the dieter, but pickles are not. This is because they contain a large amount of sodium (i.e., salt).

Not only is salt bad for your health, it also makes you collect fluids and start swelling.

8. Dried bananas

Banana is a fruit that is  high in sugar. As you know, eating fruit is very healthy. However, there are certain fruits that you should avoid if you want to lose weight.

This is the case with dried bananas, which you will often find in dried fruit mix bags.

9. Smoothies


Not all smoothies are healthy.  You have to be very careful with them.

Some smoothies are mixed with sweeteners or large amounts of sugar.  This also includes foods like yogurt or ice cream.

This is all deceptive, especially if you are on a “diet”.

  • If you want smoothies, make them yourself. Preferably, they should be based on fruits and especially vegetables.
  • If you want to get very healthy smoothies, don’t add sugar, cream, chocolate or anything like that. 

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