It’s Better To Be Alone Than To Be With The Wrong Person

If the people around you bring you more pain and worry than pleasure, it may be time to consider taking distance from them. All in all, it’s better to be alone than to be with the wrong people.
It is better to be alone than to be with the wrong person

Everyone has heard the saying “it’s better to be alone than to be with the wrong person.” There is no better decision you can make for yourself than deciding to be alone instead of being with toxic people. 

Sometimes, however, it can be very difficult to remove yourself from situations, relationships, or individuals that really make your life miserable.

Why are you staying with them? The answer is simple: out of fear.

Better alone than full of bitterness

the girl would be better off being alone

It is always better to be alone than to let life become full of sadness or bitterness. We will help you better understand this with a few examples.

Imagine that Christina, 32, has been with her current partner for five years. For a while, however, their relationship has not been similar.

Now he has to live with the fights and quarrels that happen almost every day.

He’s not happy, he no longer feels the same way about his partner, but he’s afraid to throw away a relationship that has lasted so long. Also, what would his parents say?

Just like in many other relationships, Christina needs to pay so much attention to her partner that she only has a few friends to turn to, which makes the situation even more complicated. However, there are only two choices he can make.

One has to stay in this dynamic, suffering and unhappy.

The other is to end his relationship despite the fear, as it guarantees him a new and guaranteed better path.

Even if you are lonely and feel helpless at times, you are also calmer, calmer, and much happier. 

Sometimes we maintain toxic relationships with people who are not necessarily “bad”

woman sews heart to her chest

However, the relationships we form with them are not healthy. These may include manipulation, lies, and perhaps even assault.

The important thing you need to do is ask yourself: what do you get by staying in a relationship and letting the situation continue?

Obviously, you are not healthy, that you are with the wrong person. The problem is that you are also scared and it prevents you from making the decision to leave.

As you can see, fear is always with you in those situations, and it can be reinforced by the people around you.

A toxic relationship can form with a friend, family member, or partner. The importance you give to that relationship also determines how difficult it is to get out of a difficult situation like this.

Fear of loneliness in the rubbish bin

desperate woman

Many people do not consider being alone as an option. The belief that if they have no friends or a partner they have failed has been embedded in them since a young age.

Loneliness does not have a good reputation. Therefore, it is difficult for people to end certain types of relationships, even if they are very harmful.

However, there is something you will not notice, and that is that you are wasting valuable time. The time you could spend with yourself, getting to know yourself better, and having fun.

Why are you letting someone else manipulate you? Why do you endure everything until you are starving for the humiliation and assault that someone has forced on you?

Think about whether you really want to spend the rest of your life this way, motionless, without making a decision that would free you from the fear of being alone.

The fear of being alone is a learned fear. Think: if a friend you love were in a similar situation to you, you would definitely tell him that he should leave. You would be clear about what he should do.

But when it comes to your own situation, the answer is starting to change.

It’s better to be alone than to be with the wrong person, it’s better to choose happiness instead of pain, and surround yourself with people who give you something instead of taking something away. 

You can choose, so make sure you choose correctly. Your happiness matters, and you don’t have time to drown yourself in sadness, painful experiences, and people who make you feel bad. It is better to be alone than to be with the wrong person.

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