This Is How Much Water You Should Drink Based On Your Weight

If constant watering feels awkward and you’re not used to it, try making different flavors. Chop the fruit or berries in the water, or pour in the tea extract of your choice – this way you will not get tired of the taste of the water and you will be able to drink it a little. However, do not sweeten water with sugar.
This is how much water you should drink based on your weight

Every person’s water needs vary depending on their body type and metabolism. The general recommendation is that you should drink two liters of water a day to maintain good fluid balance. Namely, a lot of fluid is removed from the body as a result of metabolic activity, for example with urine and sweating.

Up to 60% of our body is made up of water, so a lot of water is needed for all body functions. The body suffering from dehydration does not function normally and quickly leads to physical symptoms. At worst, dehydration can even die.

Drinking water can even boost weight loss. However, the most important function of drinking water is to keep the body hydrated. Sometimes, however, water can become drunk too much, especially nowadays when the importance of drinking water is emphasized at every turn. So you shouldn’t drink too little water, but not too much – both extremes are dangerous to the body. In this article, we will give you instructions on how to drink the right amount of water just for your body’s needs.

Drink water according to your live weight

Few of us think about drinking water and its connection to weight, but body weight plays a big role in how much water we need during the day. Very slim people need less water than heavier people. Often men need more water than women. Fortunately, there is an easy formula that can be followed.


a woman drinks this much water

To find out how much water you should drink during the day relative to your weight, you should convert your body weight into pounds and divide it by two. For example, 60 pounds is about 132 pounds. You can easily use Google to convert your own weight into pounds (for example, page: unit Dividing the number by two gives you the amount of water you need in ounces.

Example: You weigh 52 pounds, this translates to about 116 pounds. You divide the number by two and the result is 58 ounces. 58 ounces, on the other hand, translates to 1,650 milliliters, or about one and a half liters. On the Internet, you can easily turn ounces into milliliters, for example, on the site mentioned above.

Formula: Weight in pounds / 2 = Required amount of water in ounces

At the beginning of this article you will also find the rough formula in kilograms and liters.

Remember these points

  • If you do strenuous exercise during the day, you should enjoy an extra liter of water that day. The rule of thumb is that an athlete should consume a liter of water for every hour spent in motion. This is true for real sweat exercise when your heart rate is high and sweat is flowing. For example, running or effective weight training speeds up your metabolism so that extra hydration is needed.
  • If your diet does not include a lot of fruits and vegetables, it is recommended to consume at least two liters of water a day. If you eat a lot of fruits like watermelon, apples, pears or grapes, or vegetables like lettuce and cucumber, it is assumed that you are already getting plenty of water from these.
  • Adequate hydration is especially important if you suffer from an illness or a weakened defense system.  In these cases, water intake should be increased. Talk to your doctor about this.

This will help you fill your daily water intake

You really don’t have to consume one liter of water while sitting down your throat, but drinking water is a good idea to scatter throughout the day. At first, this may seem difficult if you are not used to drinking very much water. Below you will find good tips on how water can be dispersed at different times and how water can be enjoyed other than just boring directly from the faucet.

  • A good way to increase the amount of hydration is to enjoy a glass of water before each meal.  This way, drinking water becomes part of the eating rhythm and you can remember it more easily. At the same time, you fill your stomach before eating, which reduces overeating and the need for snacks. Ingested food also melts faster.
  • Also try this: drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up in the morning and another before going to bed. During the night, your body has time to dry, so drink a glass of water just before you get to bed. This will make sure you don’t wake up in the middle of the night to dry mouth. A glass of water ingested immediately in the morning restores the body’s fluid balance to a normal level.
  • If you don’t think the water tastes like anything, and nothing makes you drink the water itself, make a natural flavor water. Chop a strawberry, raspberry, fresh mint or even coconut into a large jug or bottle of water – use your imagination and try different combinations. This makes drinking water more enjoyable and you won’t get bored with the taste of the water right away. Also try combining tea and extracts with water: green tea and chamomile go well with this. However, do not add sugar or honey to the water.
  • If you constantly forget to drink water, you can add a reminder to your phone that alerts you, for example, every hour to drink a few sips of water. You can also keep a water jug ​​on your desk where you can see how much water has come to be drunk – at the same time you also remember to fill your water glass a little.

How do I know if I drink enough water?


I saw a lot of water and ice

It is best to check your body for adequate hydration of urine.  How often do you pee and what color is your urine? If the urine is pale yellow and almost odorless, it is a sign that your body is sufficiently hydrated. If the urine is dark, almost brown, there is very little fluid in your body. A strong odor in the urine also speaks of too little hydration. The need to urinate is individual, but usually you should urinate 6-8 times a day. The need to urinate may change due to medication or illness.

If you find that your skin and lips are dry, tired, and your ability to concentrate is hardening, you may want to increase the amount of water you consume, as these are clear signs of dehydration.

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