Work To Live, Don’t Live To Work

Thanks to advances in technology, there are now plenty of options for developing a skill and applying it as required by different situations.
Work to live, don’t live for your work

Surely you often hear people say that they have to find a job they really like, because then they don’t have to work a day while they live. But we all know this is not that simple. To earn a living, people are sometimes forced to do certain jobs that don’t match their preferences, or even their values. However, this should not be the case. If you have to spend most of your day in a hostile environment that violates your principles, sooner or later it will affect your mental health. It in turn affects your physical health. The saying “Work to live, don’t live to work” is certainly familiar to you, and we will discuss this topic in this article.

Life is too short to do the wrong job. Therefore, you should make every effort to do something that matches your skills – do the jobs you really enjoy. Above all, do things that will give you the satisfaction of doing something that you know and that will make you feel good.

Let’s take a closer look.

Work, but remember to live as well

If the “three-handed theory” is familiar to you, you already know that ideally, an 8-hour workday will leave 8 hours for leisure activities and 8 hours for rest and sleep. You also know that things don’t always go that way. Sometimes you have to work overtime or your shifts are split, which is why you lose valuable hours of your day.

Experts in work psychology usually present three different ways of approaching work, as well as the complex environmental factors that affect attitudes. They are as follows:

1. People who hate their work

The first group includes people who, regardless of circumstances, have begun to hate their work.

This can be due to a number of factors, such as poor management, supervisors who do not value or exploit their employees, and sometimes work environments that involve competition or high pressure, and where some colleagues cause you to hate your work, and cause stress and discomfort.

Stressful work and the work environment can make a person hate their work.

2. People who do their job in spite of everything

This group comprises a large part of the population. However, work is necessary and mandatory, so you try your best to do your job in the best possible way.

But doing so as if you succumb, and this prevents you from even dreaming of a better life or even winning the lottery.

  • If there is no major discomfort or devastating situation like the previous one, people often get caught up in the routine or are even hit by a lack of motivation. Such people lose part of their thirst for life.
  • They sink into indifference and a deadly routine, which can lead to stress and anxiety as a result of personal dissatisfaction. This is due to an internal contradiction.
  • Work becomes an automatic function, not something that defines a person or something that makes a person feel useful or proud of themselves. While there are differences between individuals, many people end up suffering from depression because of this.

3. People who love their work

This group of people includes those who have found a purpose in their lives that defines them. They recognize themselves through their work. For such people, working is not an obligation, but it gives them a personal purpose.

  • Their work not only promotes their own satisfaction, but it also improves the quality of life of others.
  • People who love their work and have been lucky to find a tool or context that values ​​their abilities do vocation work.
  • The English word “vocation”, which in Finnish means vocation, comes from Latin and means “an inner vocation to put one’s voice into practice.” This is what we should all find. We should all look for ways to accomplish this.
Work to live, don’t live for your work.

“Knowmads,” future employees

In our changing and increasingly complex society, a new kind of workforce has emerged that is both interesting and useful. They are known in English as “knowmades” because they have the following characteristics.

  • A knowledgemad can be a younger or older person who knows that his or her abilities can benefit others and wants to share them with others.
  • Knowmad understands that work is his passion, but he does it independently without the need for supervision or guidance.
  • Such people want to connect with others, either in person or through technology. This is how they usually find the best way to develop their work.
  • Knowmad values ​​his freedom. He turns knowledge into skills and is versatile. He is constantly learning new things, is restless and not afraid of failure, for he sees it as a habit of learning too.
Knowmad is not afraid of failures.
  • One important point is that he writes a lot of books and teaches. She is constantly looking for new job opportunities in a variety of ways and strives to work above all else to be happy.

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