Why Is Driving A Car Scary?

Driving a car can be a pleasant and completely natural experience, and many get to experience it as such. However, there are people who don’t enjoy driving and even fear this thing.
Why is driving a car scary?

Some people experience fear and horror when they get behind the wheel of a car. It can occur in different situations or circumstances,  but in any case, it is a paralyzing fear that prevents a person from using this means of transport to move around. Read more about why driving a car is scary!

Why are some afraid to drive a car?

The fears some of us experience about driving can be many and varied. In some cases, a person is afraid of causing an accident or misusing gears. In some situations, on the other hand, the problem comes from the place where you have to drive, i.e. highways, other roads or major lanes.

Some, on the other hand, are afraid of driving at night or hard. The fear of driving a car can be broken down into three levels, which are described below.

Driving a car is scary for cognitive reasons

The cognitive level is related to thoughts about accidents, loss of control, one’s own death, or causing death for other people.

Driving a car scares you for mental or physical reasons

Those who are afraid to drive experience anxiety, muscle tension, insecurity, nausea, and heavy sweating. They may also have blurred vision, an  increased heart rate,  diarrhea, or tremors in the hands and feet.

Driving itself is scary

driving a car scares a man

Those who are afraid to drive either avoid it or only drive in special circumstances,  such as with another person or on certain roads, at minimum speed, during the day, on empty roads, or the like.

The amount of fear a driver experiences can vary depending on the limitations or difficulties caused by the phobia, as well as depending on the amount of discomfort a person experiences.

Some don’t even go to the driver’s seat in the car, and others prefer someone else to drive,  and others then prefer to walk or take a taxi. Some don’t care that it takes twice as long to arrive at their destination, but opt ​​for a quieter route.

This fear can disrupt a person’s daily life. For example, he may reject a job offer involving driving, spend large sums of money on public transport, refuse to help someone in an emergency, or, for example, be unable to embark on a journey that requires driving.

The fear of driving a car crushes a person’s self-esteem as he perceives himself as bad, frustrated and incapable.

This fear often occurs in people with less than two years of driving experience, and in rare cases it is experienced by experienced drivers. There are also a relatively large number of women in their thirties who suffer from this problem. Some of the main reasons for fear of driving are:

  • being the victim of an accident  (or being involved in such a situation)
  • learning based on fear or lack of confidence in one’s own abilities
  • anxiety or stress related to problems not related to driving (for example, work, family situation and other similar things)

Can this fear be overcome?

If for some reason you are unable to drive your car or other means of transport, as even thinking about it will make you horrified, here is some advice that can be of great help. So try these if you yourself suffer from the fear of driving a car!

1. Create a relaxing atmosphere

drive a car

Maybe you have friends or family members who can make you feel more nervous when you take them in your car. You can ask them to go to the back seat or say directly that you don’t want them involved.

Put on comfortable shoes so you can avoid pressure somewhere in your body. Put relaxing music to play  and also put a fragrant freshener in your car.

2. Try diaphragmatic breathing

When you feel like the situation is out of your control and you are at the point where a panic attack strikes, you should start doing diaphragmatic breathing first.

Let the air come through your nose inside and let it go deeper into your lungs. Your stomach should expand as much as it can. Then exhale slowly so you can relax your body. Repeat this several times.   

3. Practice positive reinforcement

woman learning to drive a car

Any phrases or words that allow you to build your self-confidence and self-esteem are welcome if you are afraid to drive. For example, you can try saying the following things out loud:

  • Drive carefully and according to speed limits.
  • I know I am an alert and prepared driver. 
  • I drive in the rightmost lane to make myself safer.
  • I’ve planned this run and I know where I’m going, and I’m prepared.

4. Face your fears

The best way to control the fear of driving is to drive. Start with little twists and hours of low traffic, and drive on quiet roads at low speeds. Then when you gain more self-confidence, your fear will disappear.

Exposure therapy  is one of the most effective ways to overcome fears. If you do nothing to get over your fear, it will grow and become out of control.

5. Take small steps

terrified woman behind the wheel

If you are afraid to drive, you will not be able to use the car for long distances and at night. With this in mind, you need to go through certain steps or levels until  you feel ready. Start by holding the car keys in your hand for a few minutes, then sit in the car with it off.

After that, drive just one street and turn around the block. Then drive towards the main road  with traffic lights. Use the right lane on the highway until the first exit, then switch to the next lane – and so on.

6. Ask for help with your problem

There are many people around you who provide the support you need to get rid of the fear of driving. You can ask these people to come with you for your first rides, or at least listen to your fears and give an opinion.

Sometimes it’s just a need to talk to someone about the problem that driving a car scares, as well as the emotions it causes so you can start letting go of the fear.

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