Why Does It Affect My Back?

Why does the back concern?

Unfortunately, back pain is a very common phenomenon. It is also often a very frustrating and long-lasting affliction. The sore spot can be of many kinds: the lower back, the middle of the back – especially the abdominal muscles of the shoulder blades. Back pain may get worse or alleviated depending on your movement and posture, but in general, back ailments are difficult to completely cure. Why does the back concern?

In this article, we’ll give you advice to help you figure out why your back is affected. We will also tell you about good ways to treat back pain naturally. So keep reading if back pain is a phenomenon that sometimes touches you. With the right treatments, you can significantly improve your quality of life!

Are injuries the reason why your back is affected?

If you experience pain in your back that persists for a few days or weeks, you should first visit an expert. This will ensure that there is no injury. This is especially important if you have a contusion on your back, as this type of injury is a common cause of back pain.

However, if there is no clear injury, or even in the case of a chronic and long-standing problem, you should keep in mind the factors we list below. They may give you the explanation you need for the pain in your back.

Back and emotions

One thing that causes back problems is – despite the fact that many don’t take this seriously – experiencing some sort of negative feeling that lasts longer.  This feeling may cause constant tension in your back area, and eventually this tension may become chronic.

In these cases, the more emotional tension you experience, the more your back feels sore. However, nervous people are not the only ones who suffer from back pain. In fact, these ailments often develop precisely for those who keep their feelings within themselves and do not show them to others.

Such feelings may be related to different areas of the back and the pain they cause:

  • Shoulder-to-shoulder muscles:  anger
  • Sphincter muscles: inability and frustration
  • Neck: too much responsibility
  • Middle back:  fear
  • Lower back: frustration

If you want to deal with these problems and the feelings associated with them, you should remember that it is necessary to start making changes to things related to your problems. You can always talk to your therapist or start eating some suitable natural supplement to get help for your situation.

Back and internal organs

Another explanation for why the back is affected is that the ailments are a symptom of inflammation of an organ located near some particular muscle. In this case, inflammation is the cause of excessive pressure on that area of ​​the back.

The connection between the viscera and the back is as follows:

  • Right buttock and right middle back: liver and gallbladder
  • Left sphincter and left middle back: lung and abdomen
  • Neck: heart
  • Lower back: kidneys (upper part), intestines (middle part) and respiratory tract (sacrum area)

If it is clear from other health problems that one of these organs is in poor condition (however, this does not mean that you necessarily have an actual illness), you should keep that organ in mind when treating your back.

A back massage helps why your back is affected

Natural treatments

In addition to looking for a cause for the pain in your back, you may want to relieve the pain yourself with some of the following natural care products:

  • Brew drinks with turmeric, willow or harpago root to reduce pain and eliminate inflammation.
  • Local treatment  using heat – here you can take advantage of a hot water bottle or an electric heating pad.
  • Use of baths containing clay or ginger .
  • Use of arnica -based anti -inflammatory creams.
  • Bach or homeopathic flower treatments tailored for you .
back treatments natural treatments help

Useful therapies

In addition, it should be borne in mind that in the treatment of back pain, it is also essential to consult an expert who can give you external hand-made treatment. This way, you can ease your feeling whenever you notice the pain reappearing.

In particular, we recommend that you take a relaxing massage of the back area that is the subject of the pain. It would be even better if you also visit a good osteopath or physiotherapist who can help you understand the physical imbalances that exist in your body. Sometimes these problems can be substantially alleviated by changing some of the ways we were not aware of before.

In addition, we recommend suction cup therapy. This technique works to take into account the inflammation of nearby organs. This is good to keep in mind when treating your back, as we explained earlier.

Finally, we present a technology that has become very popular in recent years. Kinesio or muscle taping  means using flexible and very brightly colored tapes in the form of tape that provide a very effective natural treatment. They affect you as your body moves. Many athletes use this technique, which has excellent results for all kinds of pain and injury.

Cupping for back pain
The images are from the following sources: deluxe, Giorgio & winnie3.

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