Avoid These Foods

Avoid these foods

Nutrition is an important part of a healthy life and a healthy body. By investing in it, you take care of your stomach, internal organs, and skin, while massaging junk food causes negative effects on your entire body .

Avoid eating these foods

Some foods can cause serious health problems, especially in the long run and when consumed regularly. In this article, we will focus more closely on the topic, avoid eating these foods whenever possible!


avoid these foods;  sausages

Finns love sausages and cold cuts, but do you ever stop to think about what all sausages contain and what it does to your health? Grilled sausages, salami, chorizo ​​and other similar meat products contain a large amount of hard fat, up to 10% of a 100 gram sausage is pure fat.

This goes beyond the daily recommendations that you should not eat anything that contains more than 2% hard fat per hundred grams.

If you mash the sausage regularly, it can lead to overweight, high blood pressure, and diseases of the circulatory system, such as heart attacks and blood clots.

The occasional grilled sausage doesn’t take the road to ruin yet, but if the grill is hot almost every night during the summer, we recommend switching to greasy sausages for lighter options like chicken or turkey.

Grilling does not have to mean just sausage, as even salmon, vegetables and light meat are easily prepared on the grill.

French fries

French fries are a great delicacy for many, and sadly they are also one of the most unhealthy dishes in the world. The crunchy surface and soft interior of the French will please many gourmets, but over-eating the French can have serious health consequences. 

French fries  contain high levels of hard fats such as trans fat and cholesterol. 100 grams of french fries contains about 500 calories, of which 36 grams is fat alone. In addition to sn, french fries are a real salt bomb that can cause fluid buildup and swelling.

Avoid these dishes: french fries

Ice cream

Despite its delicious taste and texture, ice cream should not be eaten in large quantities as it contains a lot of hard fats (including trans fat), sugar and cholesterol. Excessive ice cream intake can lead to overweight and diabetes.

There are ice creams that contain less fat and sugar, but we recommend natural fruit sorbet with no added sugar instead . Fruit sorbet cools and refreshes in the same way as ice cream, but does not contain sugar or fat.

Juices, soda and other sugary beverages

Sugar drinks are very harmful to health, especially for children. Juices and soda contain a large amount of sugar. Sugar  causes holes in the teeth, raises blood pressure, can lead to addiction and at worst causes diabetes and overweight.

Children should not drink lemonade and sugary juices. Remember that sugar-free soda is also not a good option as it contains a large amount of artificial sweeteners and additives that are just as harmful as sugar.

unhealthy sugary soft drinks


The hamburger meal is perhaps the most sinful delicacy to be found on earth. There are burger restaurants almost all over the world today and for many, a fast-moving burger sounds like a great meal option after a busy day.

However, burgers contain a lot of hard fat and salt, which are known to cause vascular calcification and the resulting circulatory diseases, overweight and weight gain.

If you can’t stand the idea of ​​eliminating burgers from your diet, make your own burger at home. Use organic meat or chicken and omit cheese and greasy mayonnaise sauce. Burgers can be healthy if they make their own, but avoid burger restaurants.


healthier pizza at home

Just like burgers, pizza is high in fat, salt and even sugar. Pizzas in particular, which contain a lot of cheese and meat, like salami, are a real health risk.

You can also get a healthy version of pizza by using wholemeal flour on the pizza base and making the fillings from the vegetables themselves and a small amount of cheese.

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