Causes Of Heel Spike And Treatment

To prevent the pain caused by the heel bone spike, wear comfortable shoes and try doing local exercises to avoid pressure on the area and relax the heel.
Causes and treatment of heel spike

The bone spikes are calcified areas at the heel. It is a problem that can cause a lot of pain and difficulty moving your foot. The heel spike can be caused by too much strain or tension in the sole of the foot.

Bone spikes can result from a misalignment, the use of unsuitable or uncomfortable shoes, or anything else that causes a change in the heel area. In today’s article, we’ll tell you more about heel bone spikes, including what causes them and how you can treat them.

Causes of heel spike

stem peak causes and treatment

The pain is a typical symptom of the heel spike, and the worse your heel becomes inflamed, the more severe the pain. It can even cause inflammation and pain in the membrane of the plantar membrane that radiates through the entire foot to the toes.

Doctors use X-rays to diagnose a bone spike.

However, bone spikes are usually recognizable at first sight, as they are small protrusions that result from the accumulation of lime on the heel.

Repetitive heel operations are the main cause of this problem. Heel bone spikes are also associated with overweight, low or very high arches, and problems with the Achilles tendon.

Continuous or excessive stretching of the plantar membrane of the plantar tissue (the tissue that lines the muscles of your foot) can cause pain and bone spikes. Transferring weight to the heels is painful and makes long-term standing impossible.

According to the Spanish Association of Podiatric Sports, the body tries to repair the wound when the membrane tendon detaches from the muscle and transports lime along the bloodstream to the detachment site.

When more lime reaches the release point than it should, a bone spike results.

The bone spike itself does not cause symptoms. The pain is caused by inflammation of the membrane tendon inside the heel, but pain can also occur in all five bones of the foot (toes).

The feeling itself is reminiscent of small puncture wounds and it disappears whenever you don’t stand.

Treatment and prevention of heel spike

heel spike pathogens and treatment x-rays

The most important thing in preventing bone spikes is to avoid the development of membrane tendon inflammation.

Your doctor can perform a detailed analysis of your foot using a custom-made model of your foot. He evaluates any overwork or imbalance during the stepping up to neutralize or optimize the way you used to support your body.

It is important to remember that bone spikes are not treated overnight. The process takes time and you need to see the constant effort in front of it. Some of the most effective treatments for relieving pain and inflammation are:


Treat the cold area around your heel for at least twice a day for 15 minutes. You can use two pieces of ice directly on the skin or a cooler bag.

Some people roll their feet on a cold can or ice cold bottle.

Let your feet sit

It is important that your feet rest. Try to keep them elevated every few minutes during the day and sleep at night with a pillow under your heels. This will help reduce the pressure on the heels so that you can rest better.

You may also need to change some of your daily activities. For example, if you exercise, avoid doing strenuous exercises or putting too much weight on your legs.

Instead, you can opt for milder sports such as swimming or cycling.

You spat at night

An orthopedist sometimes recommends the use of a nightstand. It helps to stretch the membrane tension while you sleep. Because it is L-shaped, it allows the foot to stay in an ideal position.

If your case is very painful, you can also use a spatula during the day.


stem peak causes and treatment

While it is true that certain types of exercise may actually aggravate heel pain, there are certain techniques that can reduce pain symptoms and strengthen the area at the same time.

  • Stretching. Stand face to face against the wall and support yourself with your hands. Place one foot behind the other foot. Hook the knee of the front leg slightly. Push your hips towards the wall and stay in this position for 10 seconds.

You feel a jerk in the Achilles tendon, but this is normal. Repeat 20 times on each side.

  • The second exercise stretches the tendon membrane directly. Always do this in the morning before getting out of bed.

Cross one leg over the knee of the opposite leg. Gently pull your foot with your fingers towards you. Hold this position for 10 seconds before returning to the rest position. Repeat 20 times on each side.


heel spikes caused by high heels

First, it is important to make sure you are wearing the right size of footwear. It is a good idea to schedule your shoes for late afternoon or after work, because then your feet are usually more swollen.

Try shoes on your feet with socks that you usually wear every day. Walk to the shoes on your feet in the store and make sure you can move your toes normally and the shoe doesn’t feel too big or too small.

Try not to wear high heels unless absolutely necessary. If you need to wear such shoes at work, you can bring them with you in your bag and put them on your feet when you arrive at the office. If you’re going out for lunch, bring replacement shoes that are more comfortable on your feet.

If you already have bone spikes, it’s a good idea to also use orthoses, special insoles, or custom-made products designed for each patient individually to fit into their own footwear.

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