Chair Exercises To Get A Flat Stomach In 3 Weeks

In this article, we want to share a set of exercises that will help strengthen your abdominal muscles, slim down your waist, and burn fat.
Chair exercises to get a flat stomach in 3 weeks

Getting a flat stomach is not an easy task and will not work overnight. However, these chair exercises will help you achieve your goals in a short amount of time.

Start doing them today and be consistent and you will see the difference.

1. Lifting the knees to the chest

This exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles, improves digestion and also helps burn fat.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Sit in a chair with your back straight without leaning against the backrest.
  • Place your feet in front of you in a shoulder-width position, keeping your back straight. Raise the right knee to the chest. Pull the abdomen in when making the movement.
  • Now grasp the leg to stretch the lower abdomen and do 20-30 reps, varying the knee with each repetition.

2. Lift both knees

abdominal movements

With this movement, you train your abdominal muscles more efficiently. Just follow these steps:

  • Sit in a chair with your feet together.
  • Keep your back straight throughout your workout. Lift your knees to your chest and keep your abdominal muscles tight.
  • Lower your feet to the starting position without letting them touch the floor. Do 10-20 repetitions.

3. Knee lift and side stretch

This exercise will help you slim down your waist. Because it works the abdominal muscles in an intense way, it helps remove any fat that may have accumulated in this area.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Sit in a chair with your back straight. Press your palms firmly against the chair seat.
  • Now lean to the side, lifting the opposite hip from the chair. Bring your legs together and lift them toward your chest before returning to the starting position. Repeat by leaning in the opposite direction.
  • Do 10-20 repetitions of this exercise on each side.

4. Reaching the floor

The fourth exercise is reaching out to the floor. This exercise will help you burn fat from your hips and waist.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Place the soles of the feet firmly against the floor. Spread your arms on the sides at shoulder height.
  • Once in this position, rotate your upper body to the left and lean forward, touching your left foot with your right hand. Hold this position for a few seconds.
  • Then straighten your back and repeat on the other side, touching your right foot with your left hand.
  • Repeat this set 20-30 times, alternating sides so that you train all areas.

5. Lifting from the chair

This exercise makes it easy to burn fat fast and develop abdominal, back and shoulder muscles. To make the effect more effective, you can do this with a chair with armrests.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Sit in a chair with your palms on the armrests. Lift your body up, pressing with your hands so that your hips rise from the chair and your feet off the floor. At the same time, bring your knees towards your chest.
  • Hold this position for 15-20 seconds, descend and take a break. Repeat this series four times.

6. Elbows on knees

abdominal muscle movement to get a flat stomach

This exercise helps keep your waist slim and works both lateral and lower abdominal muscles. Remember that the knee should touch the opposite elbow with the body slightly twisted.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Sit in a chair with your back straight without leaning on your back. Place your hands behind your head.
  • Now lift your right knee to your chest while tilting your left elbow towards it so that they touch. Return to starting position and repeat 15 times.
  • Swap sides and do another 15 exercises. In total, you should complete four sets of this exercise.

Chair exercises are effective movements for the middle body. Most of the time, we do abdominal movements on the floor while lying down, so these chair exercises are an invigorating variation on routines!

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