Dinners To Help Burn Fat

Dinners that help burn fat

Dinner is crucial. Many nutritionists emphasize the importance of dinner in following a healthy diet that does not lead to weight gain. Tracking calories and choosing the right foods in the evening will help you lose weight naturally.

But what kind of dinner helps you burn fat?

A healthy and balanced dinner will not only help you look physically better, but it will also help you get better rest at night and improve your quality of life.

Sometimes our eating habits are wrong, for example, when we eat little during the day and only eat a heavy main course in the evening, or when we skip dinner completely in the hope of losing weight. According to nutritionists, this is a mistake.

Can a certain kind of dinner help you burn fat?

You should eat every meal during the day, and it is important to make sure your meals are balanced and find out what foods you should have on your dining table. Let’s take a closer look.

The importance of dinner in weight loss

dinner that helps burn fat

Why? What should be remembered?

  • You should get 15 to 20 percent of your daily energy needs from dinner. This should be based on a balanced caloric intake. Dinner is the time of day when we need the least calories.
  • Most people are used to eating a small breakfast and lunch. That is a mistake. Because of this, as well as the hurry, work, and responsibilities, we arrive home very hungry, and we prepare a big dinner with a lot of calories.
  • Another mistake we make easily is not eating dinner at all. If your blood sugar drops, your metabolism will decline and you will consume fewer and fewer calories. You are also much more nervous and nibble more during the day.
  • Dinner is the last meal of the day. If your diet is right and you eat right, you will cycle other meals evenly throughout the day. The right amount of protein and low fat will help your metabolism work properly.
  • Never eat snacks for dinner. Eating snacks like cereals or even fruit can lead to weight gain. Cereals are high in fiber, but they are also high in sugar. So it is with fruit. According to nutrition experts, eating fruit alone in the evening causes problems with digestion and does not help with weight loss.

Dinners that help burn fat

Day 1

rosemary chicken dinner that helps burn fat

– The juice of one beet and one medium-sized apple: this is cleansing and makes you full.

Grilled chicken breast and lemon juice: proteins from light meats such as chicken or turkey stimulate your metabolism during digestion and increase your energy expenditure (30% of the calories they contain). If you add an antioxidant juice, such as lemon juice, the combination is perfect.

Greek yogurt and cinnamon. This may come as a surprise to you, but Greek yogurt is high in protein and will help you burn calories. It’s a good idea to add cinnamon to your yogurt, as just one teaspoon increases digestion for sugars by twenty percent and also lowers blood sugar levels. Don’t forget this.

Day 2

whole grain rice helps to burn fat

Pineapple juice

– A plate of whole grain rice, mushrooms and peppers  (or hot peppers): chili pepper, cayenne pepper and other hot and spicy peppers reduce the amount of fat in the body and prevent the breakdown of fat cells. Mushrooms contain iodine or iodine and are perfect for promoting thyroid function and burning fat.

Day 3

root vegetables help burn fat

Red salad (contains saturating and dehydrating foods that help burn fat)

  • 150 grams of beets (for example, beets), cut into small pieces
  • 100 grams of carrots sliced
  • One celery stalk
  • Two tomatoes chopped
  • 50 grams of chopped onion
  • Sauce from orange juice, to which is added one tablespoon of olive oil and pepper

One serving of grilled turkey

Day 4

spinach turkey salad helps burn fat

Celery soup : celery is not only a dehydrating but also a great quinine-containing, bitter, acidified drink, and it is also rich in potassium, chlorine, copper, sulfur, calcium and sodium. It also reduces the acidity of the urine.

Spinach-turkey salad

  • 50 grams of spinach
  • One turkey breast cut into pieces
  • Two cloves of garlic crushed
  • Sauce with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and olive oil

– A small portion of grapes

Day 5

Orange carrot salad

  • Lettuce torn to a small size
  • 100 grams of carrots grated
  • 50 grams of chopped onion
  • One orange cut into pieces
  • Sauce with one lemon juice, one tablespoon of olive oil, salt and pepper

One hake fillet: rich in Omega-3 fatty acids that activate metabolism.

Day 6 (optional)

Cold borscht or cold root soup


  • Salt and pepper for seasoning
  • Two lemons
  • Two tablespoons of sugar
  • One pound of beets
  • Fresh herbs

Preparation instructions

Squeeze the lemons. Peel and chop the beets, and cook them in plenty of water to which you have added salt. Bring the water to a boil and lift the boiling water off the stove. Puree the beets and slowly add the boiling water to the mixture. Add salt, pepper, lemon juice and sugar.

In a few days, you can use the diet presented on this page to prepare any of the food combinations.

However, we recommend that you prefer to use raw vegetables (especially in the case of spinach) as they speed up your metabolism and contain digestive enzymes that can be destroyed by cooking. Also, be sure to replace carbonated beverages with water.

Remember, you should eat two hours before bedtime.

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