Don’t Let Love Change You

If you respect me and want me to be happy, you will not let love change me, but you will love me just as I am.
Don't let love change you

In many relationships, people subconsciously try to change each other. This is especially true in romantic relationships. Have you ever stopped to think about the fact that your partner wants you to love himself the way he is, not the way you want him to be? The theme of this article is how not to let love change you as a person.

Don’t let love change yourself

Love me as I am, with all my faults and strengths

No one is perfect and it is very rare to find a partner who always agrees with everything about you. Each of us is unique and should be valued and cherished.

You should not allow love to change yourself – change yourself just for yourself. Keep this in mind as it is easily forgotten especially in relationships.

Don’t let love change yourself.


If someone wants to change you, they don’t really value the person you are.  What if you don’t change? Things quickly start to go wrong and the relationship breaks down.

If you find yourself being led by another person, you will quickly realize that you are unhappy.

The person who wants to share his life with you should realize that you cannot be changed and he should appreciate you just as you are. If you let love change you, you will lose yourself and become unrecognizable.

Everyone deserves love and appreciation as they are. If someone is trying to change you and allow it, it is usually due to a lack of confidence. You might imagine things going better if you follow someone else’s instructions on what you should be like.

However, this will not solve your problems.

If a partner is trying to change you, you may not have to be together. Maybe the love and passion you feel for each other is because of your difference.

Maybe there are problems between you that you don’t want to deepen, so you’re trying to fade them by trying to change. However, this is the wrong decision.

Love me more, love me better

The world is full of toxic people trying to manipulate others to achieve what they want.

A lot of manipulation and squatting happens in a relationship, especially when the other wants you to change. He may seriously want to be with you and maybe you want the same, but manipulating another is not a way to be together. A manipulative person will not value you as your own self.

True love allows you to be just the way you are.


Many people give their all in a relationship, they don’t want to fail and lose their partner.  Many are willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of another and for the success of the relationship. Many imagine that change is necessary for a relationship to succeed.

If you try to save a relationship by these means, the changes you make are rarely positive.

There is a difference between the quantity and quality of love

People do not always understand the difference between the quality of love and the amount of love. It’s better to be with someone who loves you better than with someone who loves you a lot. Don’t just settle for anything – you deserve someone who loves you well.

If you have low self-confidence or suffer from uncertainty, it is very likely that you are trying to change yourself at the request of another. However, it is not your fault if the relationship goes wrong. Focus on your own happiness and leave behind relationships that require you to change.

How can you be happy in a relationship if you are unhappy with yourself?

You will never be satisfied if you change yourself according to the demands and desires of others.  You should change just because you feel it is necessary. Don’t try to please your partner or submit to his manipulation.

It makes a difference whether someone loves you a lot or well.


Watch out for toxic, manipulative people who cover up the truth and try to shape you. Trust your own abilities don’t let another tread you under their feet.

Love can have a blinding power, and it can cause a person to make even drastic changes. Sometimes we want to save a relationship so badly that we try to force ourselves to make ourselves more suitable for a partner. However, this never leads to anything positive.

Sure, you have to work towards a relationship, but you should never have to sacrifice yourself and what you represent.

When someone urges you to change, say to him, “Love me as I am, for I will not change.”

Your partner should accept you as you are, and if that is not the case, you should consider the whole relationship and whistle across the game.

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