Easy Homemade Hair Care Products

Easy homemade hair care products

Homemade hair conditioner is a good option for those who are interested in natural cosmetics and want a new shine, fullness and softness in their hair. These natural conditioners help keep hair smooth and beautiful, as well as help remove tangles and roughness.

By using natural substances, your hair will get a lot of nutrients that moisturize the hair from the root and repair the damage caused by the environment and hair styling products.

Would you like to learn how to make natural hair care products? Are you tired of the amounts of chemicals in supermarket products and their poor effectiveness?

Keep reading and we’ll show you how easy hair care is with a few simple and inexpensive ingredients. These treatments are suitable for the whole family from baby to grandchild, as the ingredients they contain are gentle and completely natural.

natural hair conditioner

Conditioner from oil and honey

This conditioner is especially suitable for those whose hair is dry, brittle and full of bifurcated. The oils and honey contained in the treatment repair and nourish the hair, and make the hair smooth and shiny. Try it today!


  • 1 dl olive oil
  • 1 dl almond oil
  • 1 dl of honey
  • Small container for mixing

What next?

Put all three ingredients in a bowl and mix them well. Then pour into a saucepan and heat on low heat until the mixture begins to boil. Remove from the heat and allow to cool in complete peace.

Use of conditioner

  • Before using the conditioner, the hair should be washed normally with shampoo.
  • After washing, you can apply the conditioner all over your hair, start from the scalp and apply towards the tops. Rub the conditioner thoroughly into the hair so that none of the gaps are left.
  • At the same time, rub the scalp with your fingertips to stimulate blood circulation.
  • Wrap your hair in a plastic bag or cover your head with a shower cap.
  • Allow the conditioner to absorb for 15-20 minutes.
  • Finish the treatment by rinsing your hair thoroughly with cold water. You may need to wash your hair again with shampoo, as oil and honey can freeze your hair.

Repeat the treatment a couple of times a week and you will soon start to notice how the condition of your hair is improving.

Conditioner from coconut

conditioner from coconut

This conditioner is suitable for all hair types. The ingredients in the conditioner nourish the hair and make it shiny, smooth and frizzy. In addition, coconut leaves a wonderfully sweet scent on your hair.


  • 1 dl coconut oil (use cold pressed oil and heat it by stirring for a while, if it is solid)
  • 1 dl organic coconut flakes
  • 1 vanilla stick
  • 2 tablespoons running honey

What next?

First of all, you should mix coconut flakes, coconut oil and honey in a small bowl. Scrape the vanilla stick off the seeds and add to the mixture.

Use of conditioner

  • Wet your hair before using the conditioner. Rub the conditioner on the scalp and all over the hair towards the tops.
  • Make sure you apply the conditioner to the rivers and then let it soak for 10 minutes.
  • After 10 minutes, rinse off the conditioner with warm water.

Repeat the treatment at least once a week.

Conditioner from avocado

Avocado is great for moisturizing and repairing hair, as it is rich in vitamins A and E, as well as healthy fats that deeply moisturize the hair. Avocado makes hair shiny, strong and easy to style. On top of all this, avocado prevents hair loss and banishes dry, easily broken hair.

Try the power of avocado and soon you will notice how much better your hair will look. Avocado nourishes the hair from the root and protects the hair from damage caused by styling irons, hair dryers and hair clips.


  • One ripe avocado
  • A tablespoon of olive oil
  • One egg yolk
  • Bowl
  • Fork

What next?

Split the avocado and remove the stone. Scrape the avocado fruit flesh from the peel with a spoon and mash it evenly with a fork. Add oil and yolk. Mix the ingredients so that they form a smooth paste.

Use of conditioner

  • The conditioner should be used on freshly washed, clean hair.
  • Wash your hair normally with shampoo and apply the conditioner to damp hair.
  • Rub the paste on the scalp gently with your fingertips and spread towards the tops. Make sure you apply the mixture evenly all over your hair.
  • Cover your hair with a shower cap or wrap a plastic bag to protect your head, and allow the conditioner to soak in for 15 minutes.
  • After 15 minutes, you can rinse your hair. Use warm water and go through the whole head carefully – rinse off even the smallest crumbs.
  • Allow the hair to dry naturally, do not use a hair dryer.

Repeat the treatment twice a month and soon you will notice how smooth your hair is!

After using this conditioner, you will find that your hair is much softer and does not tangle as easily as before. Brushing your hair is easier.

We recommend avocado treatment more than twice a month if:

  • You color your hair with a permanent color,
  • you use a styling iron or other heat-utilizing styling tools
  • you use a lot of hair clips or pushers that restrict hair movement.
conditioner for hair

The more stressed your hair is, the more maintenance they need.

Try to reduce the use of styling tools, especially hair dryers, as the heat dries and brittle the hair. Do not buy hair care products that contain silicone or alcohol, as these ingredients make the hair dry and coarse.

Always prefer natural products and find out if you could switch to more gentle options such as styling mousse, shampoo and hairspray.

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