Enjoy A Smoothie Bowl For Breakfast

A nutritious breakfast greatly benefits your health. Read below how to prepare a delicious smoothie bowl for the first meal of the day!
Enjoy a smoothie bowl for breakfast

A smoothie bowl is simply a fruit smoothie to enjoy from a bowl, to which a variety of condiments are added, such as muesli, oatmeal, chia seeds or cocoa powder. It is an easy dish to which you can add different food groups to start the day energetically and nutritiously.

Want to know more? Keep reading and learn more about how important it is to start the day with a decent breakfast. We’ve also included some recipes to get you started. Give it a try!

The importance of a healthy breakfast

Let’s talk first of all about the meaning of the word “breakfast”. Some refer to it as “a solid meal enjoyed before the start of the workday”. In some languages, the word means to break an all-night fast (for example, in English, breakfast, “to break the fast”). So it’s the first meal of the day.

In fact, from a nutritional point of view, it is said that metabolism cannot work if breakfast is skipped. This is because a person needs a proper source of energy and nutrients to support the functions of the body during the day. When we don’t eat breakfast, our bodies rely on their fat and muscle stores to get what it needs.

Fortunately, healthy breakfasts are easy to prepare and help contribute to our well-being. Some good breakfast options include turkey-tomato bread, oatmeal or muesli, or a smoothie bowl with everything our metabolism needs.

The smoothie bowl is a nutritious and energetic breakfast
A smoothie bowl enjoyed for breakfast is a great way to get the nutrients and energy your body needs.

Benefits of eating breakfast

Because breakfast provides the first nutrients of the day, it can help with:

  • To improve intellectual performance.
  • To promote optimal nutrient intake.
  • To prevent nutrient deficiencies.
  • Distribute your energy intake evenly throughout the day (this is very helpful in maintaining a healthy weight).
  • To promote the proper growth of children.
  • To prevent obesity and chronic diseases associated with energy imbalance.

Smoothie bowl: nutritious and easy recipes

Smoothies seem to have lost some of their popularity recently, but they have been replaced with nutritious smoothie bowls. They are actually much more satisfactory and only take a few minutes to make. So there is no reason not to start the day with a nutritious, tasty and easy breakfast.

Below you will find recipes for making a smoothie bowl.

Smoothie bowl made of blackberries and bananas

Berries and fruits are an integral part of a smoothie bowl
A smoothie bowl made of blackberries and bananas is a delicious combination that is the perfect breakfast to start the day energetically.

Ingredients in 2 servings

  • 400 g frozen blackberries or other berries
  • 1 ½ frozen bananas (we recommend slicing them before freezing)
  • 2 tablespoons homemade peanut butter or 40 g protein powder
  • 125 ml of cold water
  • 3-4 pieces of ice

Prepare this smoothie bowl as follows:

  • Put frozen fruit, peanut butter, water and ice in a blender.
  • Stir to a creamy texture.
  • Garnish with homemade muesli or grated coconut, for example.

Chocolate smoothie bowl with almond butter

A nutritionally complete smoothie bowl can be prepared in different ways. Usually, only different sources of carbohydrate, protein and good fats are needed.

Ingredients in 1 serving

  • 2 frozen bananas
  • 50 g of natural almond butter
  • 2 tablespoons sugar-free cocoa powder
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 250 ml cold almond milk or other milk (milk can be replaced with water)
  • 1 pinch cinnamon
  • Cocoa tops (optional)

Prepare this smoothie bowl as follows:

  • Put the first six ingredients in a blender and mix to a thick and creamy composition.
  • Add cocoa tops. They are rich in antioxidants and unsaturated fatty acids that are good for the heart.

Garnish with a smoothie bowl

The variety of delicious options is limitless in fact it is impossible to list them all! However, here are some good ideas.

To give more flavor and improve the composition and nutritional value of the smoothie bowl, you can add spice to it:

  • Almonds
  • Unsalted pumpkin seeds
  • Raisins
  • Cranberries
  • Other berries (blackberries, strawberries, blueberries)
  • Chia seeds
  • Dried coconut
  • Cocoa tops
  • Dark chocolate (as sugar-free as possible) in pieces
  • Muesli, cereal muesli or oatmeal
  • Sugar-free whole grains
  • Homemade peanut butter, almond butter or hazelnut butter
A smoothie bowl should be seasoned with fruits, berries, grains and seeds
Countless different spices can be added to a smoothie bowl to improve its nutritional value.

Be creative and improve your diet

It is important to emphasize that it is good to combine and mix different food groups so that we get a lot of nutritional benefits and our diet remains as diverse as possible. There are many ways to improve your eating habits by choosing healthy and easy breakfasts.

Remember: you are what you eat!

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