Fiber-rich Foods Help Lose Weight

Are you trying to get the most out of your high-fiber food? Be sure to drink enough water to get the fibers moving and to pass smoothly through the intestines.
Fiber-rich foods help you lose weight

If you are planning to start losing weight, strict diets may seem insurmountable. Adhering to a diet can seem difficult. One of the secrets to effective dieting is fiber-rich foods.

Instead of eliminating foods from your diet, add meals and snacks to boost your metabolism. Fiber-rich foods help you lose weight because you feel full. Fiber absorbs fats, sugar and reduces bad cholesterol (LDL).

You only need a small dose of fiber to lose weight. Start losing weight in small steps, gradually adding fiber to your daily diet.

If you start adding a large amount of fiber in one fell swoop, your body will reject them and you will feel swollen, and you will get flatulence and pain.

The benefits of fiber

fibrous foods: oats

Fiber helps prevent many diseases  such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, cancer and cerebral infarction. Fiber also helps prevent and control type 2 diabetes. Blood sugar levels remain constant.

Many people think that fibrous foods are tasteless. This all depends on how the food is prepared. There are many good ways to cook high-fiber foods that are pleasing to both your eyes and body.

These foods contain a lot of good nutrients that the body needs to stay refreshed and keep the mind active. They give you energy and you are able to face your daily routine with good mood.

Two types of fibers

There are two types of fibers: insoluble and water-soluble. This is a good thing to remember when adding fiber to your diet. Good advice is to  enjoy both fibers equally.

Water soluble fiber


citrus fruits

Water-soluble fibers are found in citrus fruits such as orange and lemon. Water-soluble fibers prevent the development of cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol and help digestion.

Insoluble fibers

Insoluble fibers are obtained from vegetables and whole grains. This fiber gives a full and satisfied feeling. The brain and mind get the message that the stomach is full.

This creates a good diet

Whatever change you make to your body, make it permanent and regular. Changes should not happen suddenly. Plan your diet in advance to get good results and be able to prevent unwanted effects.

Follow the tips below to avoid regretting:

  • Gradually add high-fiber foods. Your stomach gets better at the changes as you gradually add fiber. Avoid unpleasant consequences such as flatulence, cramps and swelling that can occur if you add a large amount of fiber right from the start.
  • Drink plenty of fluids  so that your body can handle all the fiber given to it and you can maximize the benefits from the fibers. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day.
  • Eat lots of fruits, vegetables and grains according to the food pyramid.
  • Add five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables to your daily diet.
  • Fruit cannot be replaced by juices. Eat the right fruits and vegetables.
  • Nuts and beans are high in protein. Eat them three to five times a week. You can add them to salads and replace them with meat.

Fiber-rich foods

There are countless high-fiber foods! We’ll go through five examples here so you can better identify them.


Vegetables are able to provide plenty of fiber as well as other nutrients the body needs. Vegetables should not interfere with your diet.

Vegetables help cleanse the body of toxins that can sometimes slow down weight loss.


goji berries

The berries are excellent for health.  They are rich in antioxidants and help you reach your target weight. The berries are high in fiber and can be enjoyed as a snack and added to salads.

Add berries to your diet:

  • strawberries
  • raspberries
  • blueberries
  • lingonberries


fibrous foods: whole grains

Cereal products are worth buying as whole grains as they are full of fiber. They regulate blood sugar and reduce the chance of swelling and the resulting discomfort. Whole grain products are important during weight loss and beyond.


Nuts are one of the food groups with the most fiber. In addition, they contain vitamin E.

Eating nuts makes you feel full and gives you energy.

The best nuts are:

  • almonds
  • hazelnuts
  • walnuts


Beans are a great source of fiber! They also have a lot of protein that the body needs to thrive. By combining beans and peas with rice, the body forms the protein itself.

By adding high-fiber foods to your diet, you don’t have to follow a strict diet. Gradually add fiber and you will feel full.

Fiber is at your fingertips in many foods, it is up to you to organize your daily diet. Eat fiber and your stomach will feel full.

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