Food Combinations That Cause Stomach Problems

Combining foods wisely helps keep digestion better and avoids heaviness and flatulence.
Food combinations that cause stomach problems

Some food combinations may damage the stomach. However, many carelessly combine different flavors and compositions when putting food.

While the combination may not seem to matter, sometimes the wrong mix actually causes problems. The result can be a heavy feeling, abundant acid production, and symptoms of reflux disease.

Regardless of the moment of the day or how intense the rush is, it is important to think about the totality of the foods to be put in your mouth if you want to take better care of your digestion. And so, of course, it also affects weight management.

If you’ve recently suffered from swelling, heaviness, or abdominal pain after meals, keep reading – now we’ll talk about the food combinations that can be the cause of these problems.

What are the benefits of properly combining foods?

When you combine foods properly, you will be able to clearly improve your digestion, and thus the health of your entire body.

  • Many combinations cause food to ferment in the stomach. By avoiding this, you will be able to prevent  abdominal pain, flatulence and unpleasant swelling.
  • You have more energy because your body produces less toxic substances.
  • You prevent heartburn.
  • Your resistance is stronger because you are better able to absorb nutrients.
  • You will be able to control your weight better.

Food combinations that damage the stomach

Proteins and carbohydrates

carbohydrates and starches

Breaking down these two types of food requires your body to make full use of alkaline as well as acidic stomach fluids.

When these foods are combined, they neutralize each other and create the right bomb for your gut that interferes with digestion.

  • Protein and carbohydrates require different durations and methods in digestion. When you disrupt your natural processes,  you will experience stomach pain, poor digestion and heartburn.

Two different types of protein

When you mix two types of protein in one meal, you create a very difficult combination for your stomach, and the time required to process the food is almost double.

The longer your body processes your food,  the more your digestion is damaged, and the more energy you lose.

  • Therefore, it is not a good idea to combine, for example, fish with red meat or chicken in one meal.

Protein and starch


When you eat these ingredients together, you usually don’t feel full quickly. This way you eat more than usual and slow down your digestion.

Starch begins to enter the human stomach and proteins break down, causing  gas to enter the gut, as well as a heavy feeling familiar to everyone.

  • The best way to combat this phenomenon is to add green leafy vegetables or starch-free vegetables to your meal.
  • A salad with lettuce leaves or watercress is always a great help to prevent these side effects.

Sugars and starch

When you eat sugars combined with starch, the saliva you produce does not contain the  alpha-amylase enzyme , which delays the processing of the starch when it ends up in your stomach.

This means that the sugar stays in the stomach until the starch is processed, and eventually it starts to ferment.

Fermented sugars cause the production of acids, and these further interfere with the breakdown of starch.

Sugars and fats


This is new information for many, but sugar is much easier to process in the body than fat. When the two are combined, the digestive process slows down.

  • Foods like ice cream and sweet pastries are the number one enemies of digestion.
  • Some smoothies with fruit, such as bananas, are also some of the worst culprits, as they cause flatulence, heaviness, and toxic substances.

It is also not a good idea to mix acidic fruits with dairy products such as milk or yogurt, as these combinations alter a person’s digestion and the effectiveness of resistance. The result is coughing, nasal congestion and allergies.

Fruit and other types of food

The best way to eat fruit is without any other type of food.

Fruit sugars speed up the fermentation of food, which can lead to poor digestion and poor absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Did you know that all of these regular food combinations can be detrimental to your stomach?

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