How To Overcome Postpartum Depression?

More than 15% of women suffer from postpartum depression. Therefore, it is very important for a pregnant woman to be aware of some basic ways to improve her own well-being to help prevent and treat postpartum depression.
How to overcome postpartum depression?

Postpartum depression is the most common psychological disorder in women who have just become mothers. However, the correct diagnosis is not always easy to obtain, and a new mother may be quite unaware of her condition in the whirlpool of life changes.

It is therefore very important to be aware of what causes this condition and what its symptoms are. This makes it easier to identify postpartum depression and make it easier to seek treatment.

So what is it about talking about postpartum depression? What causes it and how can it be treated?

What causes postpartum depression?

Causes of developing depression

It is not known exactly what makes a woman suffer from depression after childbirth. However, it is known that there are a number of conditions that can occur during pregnancy that can adversely affect a mother’s emotional life during the first months of a baby. These include the following:

  • Hormonal changes both during and after pregnancy (decreased estrogen and progesterone levels).
  • Adapting to a new kind of everyday life and changes in a woman’s important relationships.
  • Changes in the body after childbirth. Some women experience a strong drop in self-esteem after childbirth, as the body undergoes major changes both during pregnancy and after childbirth.
  • Too little of your own time.
  • Difficulty getting proper sleep.
  • The new mother doubts whether she is fit to take care of the baby and raise the child.

Risk factors for maternal mental health after childbirth

pregnancy check

Some women are more prone to postpartum depression, and those who develop this disorder may have one or more of the following risk factors:

  • Depression experienced in the past or postpartum stress.
  • Bipolar disorder or depression or anxiety, for example, just before pregnancy.
  • Psychological disorders in the family.
  • Some traumatic situation during pregnancy.
  • Complications during pregnancy or childbirth. These can be, for example, a congenital illness or a difficult birth of a child, or the birth of a premature baby, or any other thing that causes an emergency during pregnancy, such as a cesarean section or the like.
  • Getting pregnant unexpectedly or unwanted pregnancy.
  • Financial problems.
  • Lack of support from a woman’s closest people, whether it’s a partner or another family.
  • Use of drugs, alcohol or tobacco during pregnancy.

Symptoms of postpartum depression

The symptoms of this disorder can make it more difficult for a new mother to take care of the baby as well as herself.  The first signs often appear within a few weeks after delivery, but on the other hand, they may not appear until even a year after the baby is born.

The most common postpartum depressive symptoms are:

  • Feelings of hopelessness, guilt and sadness.
  • Sudden mood swings.
  • Feeling of extreme anxiety and worry.
  • Inability to sleep or on the other hand too much sleep.
  • No emotional bond to the baby, and maybe even baby fighting.
  • Lack of interest in the activities the woman previously enjoyed.
  • Headache and fatigue in general.
  • Anorexia.
  • Thoughts of harming your baby or yourself.

Prevention and treatment of postpartum depression

If a woman strives to take good care of her own well-being, the risk of postpartum depression can be reduced.


postpartum depression: the mother should rest while the baby is asleep

Both during and after pregnancy, it is important that the mother strives to get as much rest as possible. It is important to try to take advantage of those moments when the baby is asleep or when someone else is able to care for the baby on behalf of the mother. These moments should be taken advantage of either by resting or doing something pleasing to yourself.

It is important to remember that exhaustion is not good for the new mother, nor does it improve the baby’s well-being.

Good rest is an absolute thing, as mental stability and relaxation whenever possible keep even the baby calmer, and he also sleeps this way longer.  Thus, even the new mother gets better rest throughout this time.

Chores and lack of free time

It is important to pay attention to the sharing of different chores within the family. This is necessary both for the mother’s physical health and to improve her mental well-being.

When a baby is born, the mother and her family need to share and plan all the tasks related to caring for the baby. The partner and the rest of the family really need to offer their help. In a healthy relationship, the parties help and support each other, and each also has their own time.

The importance of exercise

postpartum depression can be prevented with exercise

Exercise allows a woman to promote a mental health balance as the pregnancy progresses and the baby is born. Thus, it reduces the risk of postpartum depression. Exercise releases endorphins and thus helps relieve stress and anxiety.

If you are not yet exercising and are pregnant or have just given birth, you may want to start with easy and controlled exercises and increase the intensity over time.

It is important for a woman to lower her own expectations and demands

A large proportion of women suffering from postpartum depression are almost perfectionists, meaning they cannot accept failure. It is worth bearing in mind that none of us will be born a perfect parent, and will never become one.

Don’t compare yourself to the stereotypical “perfect” moms you see on TV or in magazine pages, as in most cases, this only causes frustration and guilt. Such stereotypes are extremely unrealistic and place an impossibly heavy burden on the shoulders of the fresh mother.

If you experience any physical or mental changes, contact your doctor immediately so that your symptoms can be examined and you can be diagnosed. This is necessary so that you can get proper treatment for your postpartum problems.


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