How To Survive A Heart Attack

Aspirin thins the blood quickly and improves blood circulation.
This is how you survive a heart attack

Even the very thought of  a heart attack is frightening, as a heart attack is a life-threatening condition. Sometimes, however, a heart attack is surprising, and then it’s worth knowing what to do, especially if you happen to be alone when the scene strikes. With these tips, you will survive a heart attack.

Knowing how to react to a heart attack can save your own or someone else’s life. If a heart attack strikes when you are alone, it can be difficult to react to it clearly, as the pain blurs your ability to think. However, keep in mind the facts presented in this article, as they can be useful in a real situation.

Is a heart attack the same as a heart attack?

Before we begin to explore the means that can be utilized in the event of a heart attack, it is important to distinguish between a heart attack, i.e., a heart attack, and a cardiac arrest, or heart attack. Sometimes it is thought that they are the same thing, even though it is not. Both heart attack and heart attack are caused by circulatory disturbance and insufficient blood flow to the heart, but they differ in their symptoms and outcome.

this is how you survive a heart attack

Heart attack occurs when the blood flow in the body slows down and the heartbeat becomes irregular and weak. As a result, the body does not get enough oxygen and the person quickly loses consciousness. The heart stops and often results in sudden death.

A heart attack or myocardial infarction occurs when there is a partial problem with the blood flow to the heart and the blood does not circulate in all parts of the heart. This is usually due to a blocked blood vessel. As a result, the part of the heart where the blood does not circulate begins to die. If the situation is not noticed and treated in time, changes in the amount of oxygen and blood caused by heart damage can cause serious damage to heart function.

Symptoms of a heart attack usually include chest pain, difficulty breathing, uneven and dense heartbeats, heavy sweating, nausea, fatigue, and dizziness.

Now that we know the difference between a heart attack and a heart attack, we want to give you the means to cope with a heart attack if it strikes when you are alone. There is no sure way to cope with a heart attack. The sooner you get to the doctor, the better, but keep these points in mind in case of danger.

This is how you survive a heart attack

this is how you survive a heart attack
  • The first thing to do, of course, is to call the emergency number. If you experience unexpected chest pain, you should always see a doctor who has checked it. If you have a history of heart disease, contact your doctor immediately. If the symptoms come as a surprise while driving, park the car immediately and call the emergency number – do not try to drive yourself to the hospital.
  • No matter how close you live to a hospital or health center, never get behind the wheel of a car and try to drive yourself to your destination. Call an ambulance or ask a neighbor to drive you to the doctor. People with a heart attack can lose consciousness quickly, and you may have an accident while driving, in which you injure yourself and others.
  • If you are taking any medication for heart disease, you may already have beta-blockers nearby. Take one tablet while you wait for help. If you are having a heart attack for the first time, chew your aspirin tablet and swallow it as soon as possible. Aspirin dissolves blood clots and blockages and improves blood circulation by relaxing the walls of blood vessels. This can prevent the problem from getting worse while you wait for help to arrive.
  • Stay calm and still, don’t move or strain your heart muscle. 
  • If only you can, Tao yourself chest above your heart. This makes it easier to pump the heart and keeps it working. If anyone else is nearby, ask them to do this for you.

Chest pain must always be taken seriously. The symptoms are not always clear, but should be checked by a doctor. The most common cause of severe squeezing chest pain is a heart attack – the pain is felt in the upper body and can radiate to the left armpit, arm and neck.

The key to surviving a heart attack is a quick response. If you find yourself in a situation where a person close to you or an unknown person suffers from chest pain and there is reason to suspect a heart attack, calm the patient, call the emergency number and help the patient to a semi-sitting position. If symptoms are evident, give the patient a tablet of aspirin or dispersin to chew, if possible. If the patient becomes lifeless, initiate CPR (30 CPR, 2 CPRs). Continue resuscitation until the ambulance arrives or breathing returns to normal.

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