Improving Calcium Absorption With These Tips

In order for calcium to be better absorbed by the body, it is important to get enough vitamin D. Namely, it is a very important factor in the absorption of calcium and is obtained either by being in the sun or by taking nutrients.
Improving calcium absorption with these tips

Many suffer from calcium deficiency. Sometimes, however, the deficiency is not corrected even if calcium-rich foods are added to the diet. Namely, there may be a problem with calcium absorption.

In this article, we will give you seven good tips to help you improve your calcium absorption into your body.

Is there a problem with calcium absorption or calcium intake?

When you go to the doctor for tests, and the results tell you about the lack of calcium in your body, it’s important to think about what it’s really about. You should consider whether you are eating enough calcium-rich foods, whether you are suffering from some type of illness, or whether the problem is related to the way your body absorbs this mineral.

If you follow a balanced diet and don’t have any other health problems, you might want to try the following seven tips.

Maximizing calcium absorption

1. Do not go overboard with dairy products

Optimizing calcium absorption by drinking milk.

When it comes to calcium, of course, many immediately think of milk and other dairy products such as cheese or yogurt.

It is important to be aware that while dairy products are good sources of calcium, the body does not always absorb this mineral properly. Thus, it can happen that despite a varied diet, a person suffers from a lack of calcium. In some cases, lactose intolerance may also adversely affect the efficiency of calcium absorption.

It can be said that calcium-rich products do not always guarantee a proper intake of this mineral.

Now let’s talk about other vegetable-based products that are also high in calcium.  At the same time, we’ll give you a few tips so you can boost your body’s ability to absorb calcium and prevent deficiency from developing.

2. Have you already tried tahini?

tahini in food

Sesame seed is a natural product rich in calcium. Sesame oil is made by taking it from these seeds, and this product is very popular in Asian cuisine. The taste of the oil has a deliciously roasted nuance.

One good choice for utilizing sesame seeds is Tahini, which is a spread made from seeds. It fits perfectly on bread, for example, and is a suitable mix of sweet and savory.

3. Nourish your body with green moths


Leafy green vegetables are rich in calcium. They should be tried to enjoy every day as they work to cleanse the body and contain antioxidants and thus can effectively reduce the risk of health problems.

You can take advantage of most of the properties of green, leafy vegetables by eating them raw in salads or smoothies. In green smoothies, on the other hand, it is good to combine them with fruit, such as bananas, strawberries or pineapple – this results in a delicious and yet very healthy drink.

4. Enjoy almond milk for breakfast

almond milk

Almonds are high in calcium and can therefore be very good for your health. One way to enjoy them easily is to make homemade almond milk from almonds. This kind of drink is a great alternative to cow’s milk and in addition it is very delicious and nutritious. Almond milk is suitable for people of all ages, except for very small babies.

5. Improve the health of your intestinal bacterial growth


Most of the human digestive function and the absorption of food take place in the intestines.

Everything the body does not need moves to the colon, from where it then later leaves. Instead, everything that the body can use goes forward into the bloodstream through the intestinal lining. The blood then carries nutrients to every cell in the body.

This is why it is very important to keep the bacterial growth in the gut healthy, and this can be promoted with probiotic foods.

6. Be careful not to get too much fiber

While our body, of course, needs fiber every day, on the other hand, it’s not good to get too much. Too much fiber in the body can cause the gut to have difficulty absorbing calcium.

7. Ensure adequate vitamin D intake

Vitamin D

When it comes to optimizing calcium absorption, vitamin D intake is just as important a factor as calcium intake itself. While this is not always possible in the North, the most natural way to get enough vitamin D is to be in the sun daily for short (ten minute) periods so that clothing or sunscreen is not an obstacle.

To get enough vitamin D, you can also enjoy foods rich in vitamin D, such as:

  • Cod liver oil
  • Fish (sardines, tuna or salmon)
  • Egg protein

Do you get enough calcium from your food and is it well absorbed by your body? If you are unsure whether the level of calcium absorption is at an optimal level, these seven tips will help correct the situation.

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