Incredible Bay Leaf-cinnamon Tea For Weight Loss

In addition to making bay leaves and cinnamon, tea promotes digestion and prevents flatulence, it also gives you a feeling of satiety that helps you avoid snacking.
Incredible bay leaf-cinnamon tea for weight loss

In today’s article, we want to introduce an excellent treatment made from bay leaves and cinnamon to help you lose weight. Bay leaf cinnamon tea is not only very healthy but also delicious.

It is not so much a “miracle cure” but rather a means of promoting the body’s ability to process stubborn fat that can be difficult to get rid of.

This natural tea is made from two awesome ingredients that are suitable for improving overall well-being. However, you need to remember the following important thing: don’t enjoy it too much. Namely, if you consume more than the recommended amount of bay leaves, you may get unpleasant side effects.

So balance is important. If you follow a varied diet and enjoy a cup of this tea every time after meals, you will get great results.

This aromatic drink is also good for your digestion and overall well-being. It will make you feel better.

Worth reading more. Here’s how bay leaf cinnamon tea can benefit you.

Bay leaves and cinnamon, an old tradition

It is possible that some readers have not even heard of the laurel tree from which the bay leaves come. It is a perennial shrub with many different characteristics and is usually used especially in Mediterranean cuisine.

  • Bay leaves were part of the Greek and Roman traditions, for example, for many centuries. The leaves were especially appreciated for their digestive, mucolytic, nourishing and even healing properties.
  • In fact, the Latin strain of the word “Laurel” for the English bearing “Laurus” means a reward or winner, which represents its strength and good qualities.

It is a plant that is highly valued in natural medicine and which, combined with excellent cinnamon, is a good treatment worth trying.

We will next explain why it is worth including in your diet.

Takes care of digestion

bay leaf

Both cinnamon and bay leaves have antiseptic, digestive and diuretic effects.

Something as simple as a cup of this tea right after meals will help improve digestion, preventing both flatulence and acidity.

At the same time, it also helps prevent urinary tract infections. These two ingredients contribute to the body’s ability to fight coliforms and a fungus called Candida albicans , which cause vaginitis.

You may be interested to know that in Asian cuisine, it is quite common to combine cinnamon and bay leaves in many different recipes.

Not only do these ingredients give the food an excellent taste, but they also have a satiety-enhancing effect that keeps hunger at bay between meals.

Nutritious bay leaf-cinnamon tea

cinnamon stick

As you probably already know, teas don’t usually contain a lot of nutrients. However, this does not apply to this tea.

This tea balances your health and well-being so that you can face each day in the best possible way.

In addition to being a cleansing, diuretic, filling and digestive aid, this tea also provides:

  • Group A, C and B vitamins such as niacin, riboflavin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid and folic acid.
  • It is also a source of trace elements (calcium, potassium, manganese, magnesium, copper, iron, selenium and zinc).

Regulates metabolism

Combining cinnamon and bay leaves is a great way to regulate your metabolism.

The bay leaves not only remove toxins, but they also reduce the amount of uric acid in the body and help control high blood sugar levels.

Both bearing and cinnamon improve blood circulation, treat the liver, and speed up metabolism so that fat burning is more successful.

The last important point is that  this drink is very well suited for diabetics.

However, keep in mind that you cannot eat the bay leaves yourself:

How to make bay leaf cinnamon tea

Bay leaf cinnamon tea


  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 5 bay leaves


Both bay leaves and cinnamon can be found at any health food store. It is advisable to choose dried bay leaves and cinnamon as a rod, not in powdered form. This is how you get the most out of your tea.

  • Its manufacture is very simple. All you have to do is heat a liter of water in the boiler. When it starts to boil, add cinnamon and bay leaves.
  • Let the tea simmer on low heat for 20 minutes. After this time, remove the kettle from the stove and let the drink stand for at least half an hour.
  • Next, all you need to do is strain the liquid. You can store it in a glass jar for later.
  • Drink the liquid completely during the day. Enjoy one cup in the morning on an empty stomach and the next cups every time after meals. You can repeat this treatment two to three times a week and see how you feel.

If you follow a healthy diet and exercise a little, this tea will help you lose weight more easily.

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