Intuition And Perfect Connection To Another Person

While this may be hard to believe, your subconscious creates intuition based on your past experiences and sends signs that you have now met you
Intuition and perfect connection to another person

Sociality, as well as a constant, deep desire to meet people and form a special connection with them,  are things that have always been at the heart of human life.

Already Aristotle once spoke on this subject, and later the Austrian Alfred Adler and Rudolf Dreikurs were the first physicians to deal with sociality in a disciplined, theoretical, and empirical way.

In addition, Abraham Maslow’s classic pyramid of human needs should not be forgotten either.

It is, of course, that  the search for acceptance, affection, friendship, love, and togetherness constitute what defines us as human beings. In addition, these things guarantee our survival.

Nonetheless, there is one fact that everyone already knows: it is not easy to meet people who are connected to the way we are – our values, our identities, our hobbies and our passions.

It is also important to remember that for  a great friendship or healthy relationship to exist, it is not necessary that your personality is 100% similar to that of the other party.

There is one thing that is, in a way, of a more intangible quality, and this is a phenomenon that we cannot define or explain. It maintains those truly magical ties  that last over time.

Every now and then – and almost unconsciously – we simply experience a “connection” with another person. We have all experienced this phenomenon at some point in our lives: you meet the perfect person in the perfect moment – just when you need him the most.

If this has ever happened to you, we now invite you to think more deeply about this subject so that you can understand what is behind that great experience. What is it like when you meet someone who feels just right for you ?

The great power of perfect connection

rainbow in hands

Louise Hawkley is a researcher at the University of Chicago in the United States and is an expert in psycho-social phenomena.

According to him, most of these special ties, stable friendships, and strong relationships that we can’t define are based on people  sharing the factors that create what is often called a “connection”.

  • An intimate connection  is the first of these qualities, and it refers to the most private part of yourself.
    • When you meet someone, you feel almost immediately whether you get a harmonizing effect from him, and you know if that person is connected to your being, whether you feel understood, and if you have chemistry.
    • This is like a natural instinct that is strongly associated with human intuition.
  • The second factor is defined as a relative relationship  and refers to the frequency with which contact with another occurs.
    • It is often the case that when you meet a certain person, you do not feel a special need or interest in him or her.
    • However, if a real connection emerges, the time spent together together (“Good morning, how are you?”, “I’ve been thinking about one thing…,” “Is something being done together today?”) Strengthens the relationship.
  • Last, then, is the  communal connection, which refers to how easily a person integrates with his or her closest personal core circle (family, friends…).

The power of intuition: the sixth sense that guides us to the right people

the key on the flower

Finding a particular person or more such people is not an easy thing, as you already know.

Most of us have been disappointed. We’ve all sometimes put our hopes and dreams into people who at some point then have been disappointing  or who simply haven’t been what we thought they were.

Likewise, we ourselves have all sometimes disappointed other people. We may even have decided to take a distance from someone at a certain time and for a certain reason.

All of these dynamics are a common part of the human life cycle. They are part of this journey, during which we gain new experiences and wisdom, that magical nutrient that makes our sixth sense even sharper and more awake.

You should never forget or underestimate the power of your intuition. It is juurikin intuition, which  l AHES always reads it carefully, with whom you want to create a connection and who is not.

How does intuition work when you meet a new person?

how to connect with another person

Your intuition is nothing supernatural, magical, or anything wonderful.

  • In fact, it’s just your brain’s ability to give you  quick opinions or information based on what it finds in your subconscious.
  • This exceptional and intimate store is, in fact, what  hides the core of your whole being:  past experiences, feelings, identities, hidden desires, needs, values, and memories.
  • Your intuition works so that it goes quickly to this store. It dives into the astonishing garden that your subconscious is in to get advice from it. It then searches quickly to get an answer or explanation for the situation.

When you meet someone, your subconscious makes a quick assessment based on who you are and what defines you. It then quickly sends you a sensation – a strange jerk or itch – that appears in your mind and forms your intuition or “instinct”.

This will tell you whether you should trust a particular person or not, or whether you should see someone again or give them a phone number, and so on.

In conclusion, it is  always a good idea to listen to your own inner voice and appreciate it.

Magical connections to others happen every day. However, keep this in mind:  you need to be receptive, go along with the situation, and pay attention to what is around you in order to find these connections.

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