Jin Shin Jytsu-Restore Your Body Energy In 15 Minutes

If you spend as little as 15 minutes a day massaging your fingers, you will get great benefits for your well-being. It’s important that you focus here on those very fingers that represent the kind of things you’re suffering from yourself.
Jin Shin Jytsu-Restore your body energy in 15 minutes

Jin Shin Jytsu is one of the Japanese alternative therapies that has spread around the world. Treatments can effectively treat many types of diseases.

While it should be remembered that many diseases require traditional medical attention and treatment, there are still problems to which these alternative therapies may be effective.

They are often designed to help a person achieve a balance of physical and mental health by managing the relationship between the two dimensions more effectively. The effects of treatments can  increase your body’s energy as well as control a number of stress-related symptoms, such as anxiety and other negative emotions.

Alternative therapies of this type also include Jin Shin Jytsu , or meaning “Art of the Creator through Humanity”. Developed by scientist Jiro Murai in 1900, the treatment is designed to improve the balance between soul and body through human hands.

The treatment is based on the belief that everything that exists contains energy that expresses vitality.

This energy circulates through the body at different levels, and when it reaches a harmonious state, the flow is free and there are no blockages.

What exactly is Jin Shin Jytsu treatment?

hand pressure

Jin Shin Jytsu suggests that there are three main energy channels in the  human body.

  • The middle canal runs in the form of a large oval, starting at the face, advancing to the chest and then to the abdomen and hips, and finally rising up to the head of the spine.
  • The other two channels are known as monitoring channels and start at the knees.
  • The left control channel is responsible for controlling all bodily functions on this side and is connected to the past, logic, and human genetic factors.
  • The right channel controls the functions of its own side and has to do with the present, intuition, and rebirth.
  • Finally, there are sloping directions that harmonize the control channels as well as organize the human energy system.

The main goal of this method is to balance the physical and emotional state of man in order to bring about peace within man and his relationship with the universe.

How does this alternative treatment work?

hand massage

Jin Shin Jytsu treatment focuses on channeling all the energy that is distributed through the body.

The idea is that every point in your hand is specifically connected to one or more organs in your body, as well as your emotions.

This means that with the help of that technology, you can improve your physical health and emotional life.

How is the treatment done?

As we have already said, the idea of ​​this treatment is that each part of the hand represents a specific organ of the body. To complete the treatment,  carefully twist your finger across the area you want to heal.

First, you should cross your arms and put your hands under your arms so that your thumbs point forward.

Once in this position, take a deep breath and feel the flow from the bottom of your skull to your body and thumbs.

Then repeat the same, but the feeling of air descending across your spine.

After you have done this exercise,  rub each finger for three minutes. Rub the left hand in the morning and the right hand in the evening.

As you massage each of your fingers, pay attention to what you are doing and the order in which the steps should be done. In the following, we will describe these steps in detail.

hand massage relieves various pains


The thumb represents your arms and abdomen. When they happen, you may experience feelings such as  depression and anxiety.

Symptoms may include nervousness, abdominal pain, and headaches.

Index finger

This finger is connected to your kidneys and bladder, and in addition, it is associated with feelings of confusion and fear. It tells of indigestion, back pain and toothache.

Middle finger

Your middle finger is connected to the liver and the feeling of anger. You may find that you have migraines, vision problems, or fatigue.


Your colon and lungs are connected to this finger, and so are feelings of depression and pessimism.

You may experience symptoms such as digestive problems, asthma and difficulty breathing.

Little finger

The little finger, in turn, is connected to the health of your heart as well as the small intestine. It also represents the attitude that you are pretending to be something that you are not really.

By following this treatment, you can strengthen your ability to concentrate as well as organize your energy levels in your body so that you can ease many of your ailments.

So spend 15 minutes daily on these exercises so you can get noticeable effects. Try this Japanese finger massage to get your energy in balance!

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