Korean Diet: The Secret Of Oriental Weight Management

The Korean diet is largely made up of fish and vegetables. Koreans pay a lot of attention to cooking methods, avoiding fried and fatty foods.
Korean Diet: The Secret of Oriental Weight Management

The slender bodies of Asian women have attracted the attention of Western women. Whether genes have to do with it or not, food definitely has its part to play. Learn how the Korean diet helps keep Asian women in shape!

Asian countries are influenced by Western food culture, but  Japan and Korea still keep their own traditional food culture healthy meals  that don’t add weight.

In fact, Koreans have a longer life expectancy and are statistically less overweight than other developed countries. What is their secret? Why are they so healthy? Read on, as we will tell you the main points of the Korean diet that will help you lose weight.

The secrets of the Korean diet for weight management

The Korean diet is popular worldwide for its healthiness. The principles of this diet should not be confused with dangerous “miracle diets” as they are completely different things.

Unfortunately, some Korean weight loss diets are too strict. The weight drops, but they do not get enough nutrients. Therefore, before you start following any weight loss program, it is a good idea to ask your nutritionist for advice on whether a diet is right for you based on your age, health, and weight.

The “secrets” of the Korean diet should be part of every healthy and balanced diet. Below we tell you the best pieces.

Abundance of vegetables

Korean diet: lots of vegetables

The Korean diet is based on fresh vegetables and rice. They use the following low-calorie foods in each main dish:

  • potatoes
  • mushrooms
  • cruciferous and green vegetables (cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts)
  • tomatoes
  • carrots

Low meat consumption

Meat is often used as a main ingredient in Western meals, but in Korea it is used as a side dish. Therefore, their diet is very low in fat compared to the diets of other countries.

  • Red meat is replaced with fish and seafood  high in Omega-3 fatty acids and protein.
  • When using meat, Koreans roast or fry meat in the oven to keep the amount of meat fat very low.

Spicy soups

the Korean diet contains a lot of fiery soups

Fortunately, making this fat-burning soup is easy! Soups are a traditional part of Korean cuisine. Soups of different ingredients and are widely used in  the e are lightweight, easy to prepare  and qualifying.

  • They use a lot of spices and hot spices refresh and enhance the metabolism, facilitating fat burning.

Herbal teas

One good way to keep your weight under control is to drink a variety of herbal teas.

  • Koreans drink a lot of tea that burns fat, such as green tea, barley tea and roasted barley tea.
  • Teas help with digestion, cleansing the body and thus making losing weight easier.

Kimchi: traditional food

Kimchi is a traditional Korean food. It is considered one of the healthiest foods in the world  as it is rich in vitamins, minerals and lactic acid bacteria.

  • What is kimchi? It is a fermented, fermented food made from dried cabbage seasoned with salt, garlic, ginger, fish sauce and pepper.
  • Kimchi is added to all foods as it is  very filling and low in calories.

Minor use of treated flour

Bread and other foods made from processed flour are not common in Korea. They are not eaten as often as other healthy and high-fiber foods such as fruit and whole grains.

Cooking methods

In addition to combining calories and food, Koreans are well aware of their cooking methods that preserve the nutrients in food.

  • Food is very rarely fried in a pan. Instead, they are roasted in an oven or boiled.

Plenty of water

korean diet: you do

Korean women drink plenty of herbal tea as well as plenty of water throughout the day. 

  • According to all balanced diets, you should drink plenty of water. Koreans recommend drinking 2-3 liters a day.

Are you ready to try Korean secrets? Remember not to start an overly strict or low calorie diet,  simply add the above things to your own balanced diet.

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