Lose Weight With The Orange Diet

The vitamin C contained in oranges prevents colds, but in addition to this known health benefit, it accelerates fat burning and converts fat into energy, rather than storing it in the body.
Lose weight with an orange diet

You are certainly aware of the healthiness of oranges, and oranges are rich in vitamin C, which prevents illness, especially during the cold seasons. This delicious and succulent fruit can also be used to speed up weight loss. Continue reading and lose weight with the orange diet.

Why an orange?

Oranges have so many health benefits that if we start listing them all, we will run out of space.

The taste of the orange is just the right sweet and tart, sourly delicious, making it an ideal fruit for both a snack and a main meal. You can also squeeze a delicious juice from the orange, which can be enjoyed on its own or in combination with other ingredients.

Not only is orange a delicious fruit, but it also has many useful properties – let’s take a closer look at them!

Orange cleanses the gums and tongue

By consuming orange juice, you can prevent dry mouth, treat swollen gums (orange is also suitable for treating gingivitis), heal mouth wounds and improve overall oral health.

You can rub the inside of the orange peel on your teeth after brushing your teeth to whiten them, or place a piece of the white part of the peel to heal mouth wounds.

lose weight with an orange diet

Orange prevents inflammation of the throat

Orange juice removes toxins and bacteria that accumulate in the throat and tonsils. Enjoy orange juice with fruit flesh, as fruit flesh helps flush bacteria and other harmful substances from your mouth.

Orange enhances resistance

This is certainly the best known benefit of orange, as it contains vitamin C as an active resistance enhancer. Orange juice should be enjoyed especially during the flu season, such as in winter. Enjoy a glass of orange juice or whole fruit a day and prevent flu, cough, nasal congestion and bleeding, and other common infections.

Orange cleanses the intestines

Orange is suitable for a dieter’s diet as it cleanses the gut of toxins and other waste products that can cause constipation. A bowel that suffers from constipation does not work as effectively as a healthy bowel, resulting in lazy metabolism and slower fat burning and weight loss.

However, do not consume orange to your liking, as a large amount of orange in your diet can lead to the other extreme of intestinal function, or diarrhea.

lose weight with oranges

Lose weight with oranges

Eating an orange can enhance weight loss and fat burning, but being on an orange diet doesn’t mean eating orange alone for a month.

Lose weight on an orange diet by consuming two liters of orange juice a day : one liter in the morning on an empty stomach and another liter in the afternoon. Wait half an hour after eating the first liter of juice before eating breakfast and wait two hours after lunch before drinking a second liter of juice.

An important part of your diet is that you use freshly squeezed orange juice.  Squeeze the juice yourself, do not buy ready-made juices from the store. Prefer organic oranges and squeeze the juice in the morning in the fridge or pack the bottle with you to work. Using a juicer is an easy way to make large amounts of juice.

Depending on the size of the oranges and how much juice they contain, 16 to 18 oranges may be enough to make one liter. Don’t use commercial juices, no matter how they are advertised as natural and additive-free.

What else should you eat during the orange diet

Of course, just eating juice is not enough, and no diet should be based on one ingredient. Enjoy a healthy and varied diet, exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Do not smoke or drink too much alcohol. Keep the following nutritional recommendations in mind:

  • Eat lots of raw vegetables and fruits
  • Don’t forget the beans
  • Eat nuts
  • Prefer whole grain products and sweetened raw sugar, avoid wheat and bleached sugar
  • Avoid sweets, desserts and pastries
  • Do not drink soft drinks, coffee or alcohol
  • Drink more tea instead of coffee

Remember the importance of exercise! Exercise for at least half an hour a day two or three times a week. You can go walking, cycling, jogging with your dog, dancing, swimming… There are hundreds of options. You don’t have to join a gym to get around.

Also, remember these important rules for a healthy lifestyle:

  • Sleep 8 hours a day (uninterrupted sleep)
  • Stop smoking
  • Reduce stress
  • Try yoga, mediation, or chi and other relaxing sports
  • Avoid too much hurry and remove unnecessary expenses from your calendar

Lose weight by following these instructions and you will also feel energetic and healthy. The effects of the orange diet also extend beyond weight loss, as it also affects the body in the following ways:

  • Cleanses the bloodstream
  • Improves liver function
  • Smoothes and beautifies the skin
  • Heals stomach ulcers
  • Prevents and cures inflammation
  • Heals wounds
  • Treats pancreatitis
  • Improves the production of bile and stomach acids
  • Cleanses the colon
  • Removes too much mucus
  • Strengthens the body’s resistance
  • Strengthens the kidneys against inflammation and disease
  • Treats cysts, tumors and wounds
  • Reduces bladder inflammation

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