Raw Food – 5 Best Fruits And Vegetables

Onions help boost the body’s metabolism and it also lowers blood sugar levels. However, it should be eaten raw, because if you process the onion by heating, it can lose up to 60% of the beneficial enzymes it contains.
Raw food - 5 best fruits and vegetables

You’ve probably ever heard that so-called  raw food is good for health and weight loss. There are numerous different types of raw diets, but in this article we will focus solely on the benefits of vegetables and fruits eaten raw.

Nutritionists confirm that if you increase the amount of raw fruits and vegetables you eat each day, you will help your body both burn more fat and prevent numerous diseases.  Vegetables and fruits eaten raw also slow down the aging process, so the benefits are sure to be of interest to many. Keep reading and we’ll tell you what these 5 best raw fruits and vegetables are!

The many benefits of raw food

Vegetables and fruits raw food

There are  many such food products that have more useful properties when eaten raw. They should therefore not be made by heating, as their effectiveness in promoting health is reduced. Raw food also contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and digestive enzymes to help you feel fuller.

However, with regard to the great benefits of raw food, it is always important to remember that it is also important to know where the fruits or vegetables you eat come from. The less they have come into contact with chemicals and insecticides during production, the better. So don’t think twice about whether it would be better for you to start choosing organically produced products instead of less natural versions – the answer is definitely yes!

Why is raw food good for humans?

  • Raw food reduces stomach swelling. If you often have poor digestion or postprandial flatulence, choose 5 raw fruits or vegetables each day to get rid of these stomach problems. Also chew more slowly to make your food easier for your stomach to handle. This is when you activate enzymes that improve digestion and promote the absorption of nutrients. Also, don’t forget that eating raw food is the best way to avoid constipation.
  • It makes you feel fuller. Eating raw food is not only good for nutrient absorption, but it also triggers the activity of neurotransmitters in the brain, and your body will then stop wanting food if it has already received enough nutrition. Raw food also raises serotonin levels, which improves your mood.
  • It slows down the aging process. Do you want to delay the appearance of wrinkles on your face? Of course, raw food cannot prevent their development indefinitely. It can help delay the appearance of wrinkles because it contains a very large amount of antioxidants. According to a study by the Research Center for Human Nutrition, eating raw fruits and vegetables daily gives the body large amounts of antioxidants. This is good for the fight against brain aging and other degenerative diseases, says researcher Jean Mayer, who works at Tufts University in Boston.
  • It creates a balance between potassium and sodium. Eating raw vegetables is a great way to get potassium into your body. Certain fruits and vegetables are a great way to expel excess sodium from your body as well as achieve the balance needed for good health.
  • It is ideally suited to support weight loss. In general, those people who are accustomed to eating certain raw products as part of their daily diet have found that a raw diet is helpful in losing or managing weight loss. This method of losing weight is very effective as it promotes the feeling of satiety as well as nourishing the body with products low in calories and fat. Keep in mind, however, that following such a diet requires a lot of willpower. So you need to eat five servings of raw fruits and vegetables each day, and in addition to this, you need to eat seeds and sprouts. When you combine all of these products with other foods, you also get the protein you need. In the end, in addition to the good health effects, the result is a narrowing of the stomach – however, this requires a real commitment to a change in your eating habits.

What are the best raw food products?

Broccoli and watercress

Broccoli raw food

Perhaps you already know something about the healthiness of broccoli and watercress. We’ve talked about these two products several times already in our articles, and we recommend eating at least two or three servings each week.

However, did you know that these products should preferably be eaten raw to get the most out of them? When broccoli or watercress is treated by heating, they begin to lose enzymes that fight cancer and improve digestion.

To enjoy these products raw, you can simply cut them into small pieces and then combine them with sprouts and other suitable food products. Broccoli and watercress are great products to maintain a healthy weight!


Red peppers

This non-fat product is an excellent help to speed up your metabolism. Red pepper is always healthier when eaten raw. Then it helps to effectively combat constipation, and peppers are easier for digestion to handle in its raw form. This will also give you more vitamins and antioxidants. So, for example, add red peppers to your salad, for example, sliced.


Various onions

Do you like onions? Of course, they make a good addition to a wide range of portions, and the unique taste of the onion is easy to combine with a wide variety of products. However, you may not think when frying an onion that  it loses up to 60% of its original minerals and antioxidants if treated by heating. So don’t fry, boil or heat your onions, but eat them raw.

With onion, you can speed up your metabolism, and you also benefit from a substance called glucokinin, which helps lower your blood sugar. It’s a really awesome substance!

Green apples

Green apple raw food

Skip all jams and unhealthy juices. It’s really health-promoting to eat raw green apples in the mornings – especially if you eat their shells at the same time. This is a great way to take care of your body’s well-being, burn more fat, and get closer to a narrower waist (if that’s what you’re aiming for).


Garlic raw food

When you add a lot of rice to your diet, you may also eat more garlic at the same time, as it also gives a good spice to the rice. But garlic should be eaten completely raw, as that will give you a lot more benefits from it.  Garlic begins to lose the allicin it contains during heating, which is a compound that acts as a natural antibiotic and cleansing factor. So why not start your mornings from now on with a glass of water and one clove of garlic? The suggestion may sound wild, but it’s a really good idea for your health!

It is important to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, this is general information. But now you also know that raw food has clear benefits compared to cooked foods. So remember that these 5 products should always be eaten raw!

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