Singles Have A Chance To Be Happier

Being single is a choice, just as being with a partner is. The problem here is that we often cannot tolerate our fear of loneliness.
Singularity is an opportunity to be happier

M oni man cannot be happy without a partner by his side. Singularity is a distraction for many, and for others, being alone causes serious problems.

One of these problems is known as the emotional level of addiction that gets a person into toxic relationships. For others, at the heart of the problem is their own self-esteem, which can sometimes be so low that a person needs someone who can love him or her.

It’s normal to be afraid of being single in this world where loving relationships matter very much – maybe too much.

Nevertheless, there are many who know how to find pleasure in living alone – in fact, you too can enjoy solitude. So it’s time to get rid of the fear of loneliness. 

It is possible to combine singles and happiness

carefree single

If you are one of those who think of the greatest happiness of being with a future partner, perhaps you have made the mistake of putting your own happiness in the hands of others. You have made another person responsible for your own well-being.

In that case, you are not aware that you should be happy in yourself.  

This time, we’ll talk about seven benefits of being single that open your eyes to the opportunity to be happy without a partner by your side.

No one else should determine your happiness. And more importantly,  many of us should learn to be alone,  as many have never been in this situation.

1. Singularity and its pros: you get to know yourself

Maybe you think you already know yourself, so you don’t have to spend time on this. If this is your belief, the reality is probably that you know nothing about yourself.

Over time, the person changes, and so you need to update yourself all the time so you can see the person you have become. So if you think you feel like yourself, spend some time alone. You will find that you do not know yourself as well as you thought. This can be difficult when the relationship has just ended. You have spent years of your life with another, and you have experienced situations, taken responsibilities… And now you are alone.

Having a relationship with a new person immediately after a divorce is familiar to many, as the situation creates emptiness. Many do not know who they are, for they have lost their other half. Be patient if this is your situation, because that feeling is going to pass – it’s just a step in the process of change.

Take advantage of the situation. Go back. Get to know yourself and find out who you are. It’s good for you.

2. Enjoy your time – single is for that

Do you remember it when you were able to leave home without having to explain your expenses? When you were able to surrender to any thing and distance yourself from the world without having to give your partner an explanation, as he might be worried?

Being single is a situation you should take advantage of, as you will never have the same experiences as singles as you have with a new partner. Now you can experience your own fun moments as well as take time for yourself.

3. You can dedicate your life completely to yourself


As we said, now you have all the time in the world to dedicate yourself. So could you now embark on the journey you have always dreamed of? You can decide for yourself!

Now is the best time to grow professionally or pamper yourself. You don’t have to worry about anyone but yourself, and that’s a good thing. Don’t waste your time, and don’t throw this moment in the trash.

4. You are now much stronger

Have you noticed that when you are used to being in a relationship, and then suddenly you are not, you feel helpless? You don’t know what you would do or how you could move on. Do you know why this is happening?

Our comfort zone has then been destroyed, and we have left it. Accepting this situation and knowing how to get ahead of  it has made it possible for you to become a much stronger person without your comfort zone.

Consider all the benefits you have when you are single. You don’t have to worry about anyone else now. This may sound cold, but it’s a good thing nonetheless! Sometimes singles are good for us, so don’t miss this opportunity.

5. You are more relaxed and you sleep better

You may miss the hugs and intimacy you previously had while lying alone in bed, but look at the bright side of it. You can now go to sleep and wake up whenever you want, without having to explain or worry about anyone else.

Remember those quarrels that prevented you from getting a good night’s sleep? What about the situations that made you turn anxiously in your bed every night? Jealousy, bickering, misunderstandings – these are all all in the past now. You’re going to sleep better – or what do you think?

6. You will understand the true value of friendships


When we start dating some new person, the novelty of the relationship makes us take distance from our friends, and this is a mistake that a great many of us have made.

These friends will support us unconditionally, even if you put them aside. You need to restore friendships, and we should never again put them in second place in our lives. Partners come and go, but friends are permanent. Besides, it’s worth remembering this thing:  no partner should get your time 24 hours a day. This is not fair to you, and not the other way around.

7. You now allow yourself to meet new people

When you are in a relationship, the chances of meeting new people are less. You can’t always be with anyone, and you can’t always do as you please.

It may be that when you are in a relationship, you have a circle of friends ready. That’s why you should take advantage of being single when traveling, going to new places – enjoying experiences you don’t have when you’re with a partner. So enjoy the freedom you have as a single.

It’s possible that you think being single is something that doesn’t suit everyone, but here you’re wrong. The fear that time will pass and we will be left alone will bring us to the power of terror. It makes us desperately look for a partner next to us.

Who has ever proven that you can’t be happy without a relationship? Can’t it be a good thing to grow old with good friends without a partner alongside?  Even today, it feels like being single looks bad, it is “normal” to want a partner.

You decide where your life is going, and you may want to avoid frustration and feelings of loneliness because everyone around you is in a relationship. It is the case, however, that even if others are in a relationship, you are with yourself and take advantage of the time that is freed up from you when you don’t have to pay attention to the other.

Learn to love yourself, do the things you want, get to know yourself, try new things, enjoy life, and experiment. Life can change in an instant, so enjoy the moment you have right now.

Sometimes we are not aware of the good we can produce for ourselves by being alone for a longer period of time, devoting ourselves completely to ourselves.

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